Mind Fucks

in #mind5 years ago

@mepatriots is a fake fucking phony

he is on same team as bloom anarchyhasnogods viraldrome berniesanders

some of these are real people- but "Controlled Operatives"

some of these are AI generated Personas

Welcome to the new day & age of MIND FUCKERY

There are many more examples of both "controlled operatives" and AI Personas on Steemit.

You who know more about this- those so called friendly Dolphins & Whales who are also coders who THINK are your'e freinds. Some are, Some are not.

Get Rekt
Get Ass Fucked
Get Mind Fucked
You r getting Fucked on Steemit

It's not just Steemit - it's EvErYwHeRe

#hello, are you still you?

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