how to get rich fast the real truth just read the article 😊🌍💰

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1- Focus on paying off any debts:
As debts are considered your first enemy in order not to become rich, because they will leave you spinning in a closed spiral because you will continue to live in it throughout your life if you do not pay it, and you must avoid it so as not to fall into it again.

2- Earn more than you spend:
Always and never, you must earn more than you spend, that is, every month, for example, to earn 1000 dollars and spend between 50% and 60% or less of it, with the concept of saving every month.
3- Invest early:
Most investments take a long time before they grow, but when they reach this stage, their growth is steady. Did you know that if you had invested $5,000 in Apple shares when it announced its public offering, you would have earned about $1.5 million today? The same investment amount ($ 5,000) would have earned its owner $ 50,000 today if he had bought Apple shares ten years ago. That's okay, but it's far from the first return on investment

If you had invested the same amount a year ago, your shares would have been worth a little more than $6,000. Here, the benefit of long-term commitment becomes clear, as giving your money enough time in the world of investment may bring you high returns

4- Increase your income:
There are several ways to increase your monthly income, and here are some of them: Learn a new craft or skill and develop it, for example, you have things that you do not need, sell them also. Everything is on YouTube or on Google and there are many other ways to increase income .......
Reduce unnecessary expenses:
The best solution is to reduce expenses is a budget book: this book helps you to know the aspects of spending that can be saved on. Mobile, Internet, personal hygiene products, medicines and foodstuffs. And also going out with friends, car expenses, hobbies, and clothes. By the end of the month, you will know exactly what your spending is and what can be saved from it.
Cook yourself: Avoid going to restaurants during the break from work and start cooking at home, as home food is always more abundant.

Give up luxuries: the daily cup of coffee in the coffee shop can be replaced by a cup of coffee made at home. Also, a piece of chocolate at home can be a substitute for baked goods in the cafe. As for going out with friends on the weekends, experts advise setting a maximum spending limit that should not be exceeded.

If you follow these methods seriously, you will see the positive result from the first month, especially savings and paying off debts.

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