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RE: Memorial Day 2018; A Good Day to discuss the difference between Soldiers, Warriors, and Thugs

in #military6 years ago

While it may be comforting to conceptualize psychopath as an aberrant breed of humans, all men are capable of becoming psychopaths, given proper stimuli and incentives. The SS prison guards, Stalin's secret police, Pinochet's interrogators, and Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge were not some demon spawn from hell, but human from Planet Earth. The 1-3% psychopaths in our civilized societies are those pitiful souls who can not consciously control their inborn penchant for shedding blood.

Sociopaths, that inhabit much of Western academia and ghettos, are humanoids who failed to develop into humans because of bad to no parental guidance, sociocultural dissolution, and sociopolitical matrix that encourages emotional instability. While those locked into psychopathic behavior patterns have little to no social utility (the only cure for these mistakes of creation being bullets into their CPU), the sociopathic scum can be trained to serve as cannon fodder, with enough training with cattle prods and beatings to fear their masters' whips more than enemy bayonets.

The only differences between thug, warrior, and soldier is their paymaster. Thugs take what they can, from wherever, under any circumstance. Warriors take their pay from their employer, plus the booty they can loot during campaign season from enemy territories. Soldiers receive their pay almost entirely from their employer and desert if pay is not disbursed promptly and in full.

Only the modern governments run by populist whores somehow convinced their killers to accept worthless baubles and meaningless certificates, in addition to regular pay, for services rendered. In a more honest and elegant times, soldiers accepted only gold florins and allowed the populist whores to sell their worthless ideology to their gullible citizenry.

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