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RE: "Dear Brave U.S. Soldier..."

in #military7 years ago

There's nothing difficult about this at all. When we joined the military we took an oath that outlined our duties to defend the Constitution and the nation from all enemies both foreign and domestic. I ask you what are the first three words of the Constitution... "We the people" There's no ambiguity there. I'm willing to put my 72 year old ass on the line to protect we the people... How about you??? Or do you just write about it?


The U.S. military does exactly NOTHING to defend the lives or freedoms of the American people. Ever. Nor do
"the troops" do ANYTHING to protect the Constitution. (The way to do that would be to invade D.C.) They create wars, create threats, and act as hired thugs, blowing up shit and killing people on the other side of the world.

You have balls made of steel, Larken, to tell it like it is.
People just don't fucking get it and as a result, we all suffer.

The Constitution was a coup d'état on the American people.

Charles A. Beard was more OG.

The first sentence of the Declaration of Independence states "When in the Course of human events, it becomes #necessary for #one #people to #dissolve the #political #bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent #respect to the #opinions of #mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." Please comment and let me know what you think this means.

If you view it from within an historical perspective... It means that the people of the incipient US rejected the tyranny of a monarchical government that allowed them no say in their own destiny. The latter portion of the quote means that it is outside of God and Nature's (if there is indeed any separation) intention for mankind and that to ensure that God's intention be fulfilled it was incumbent of the people to separate themselves from British rule.

Look into the seven Hermetic principles and Natural Law for a more esoteric exploration of that last part... Mark Passio gives a succinct and easy to understand breakdown of Natural Law/ Hermeticism

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