
And for some reason you believe this rare occasion speaks for all women.... your out of your mind.... yea we might occasionally have a woman badass but let's be real majority of women will not be able to do these things

I don't speak for "all women" and never said this "rare" incidence speaks for all women. That doesn't make any sense.

I want to see greater opportunities for women in all areas, including the military. If ALL women want to pursue it, kudos to them. If none, then who cares.

My mind is perfectly fine where it is, ensconced within my skull.

sorry i assumed that was your reason for showing the article..anyways i do believe women should have equal opportunity for anything....for example do i think a woman should be in the NFL? hell no she will get destroyed....let women do women things and men do men things...plain and simple

It depends on who has the power to define "women" or "men" things. What if women do join the NFL one day and they become the most popular players? Why deprive individuals of opportunities or fans of their potential favorites?

I don't really watch sports but that would transform the industry:

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