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RE: Memorial Day 2018; A Good Day to discuss the difference between Soldiers, Warriors, and Thugs

in #military6 years ago

There is no honorable war.
All war is against the civilians.

Only when you have such overwhelming firepower can you pretend its anything else.

The end of war will come as people learn that war solves nothing.
In war 1 + 1 = 0
In cooperation 1 + 1 = 4

In crony capitalism 1 + 1 = 4 - 3 (for the taxes) = 1

It is the gover-cement that destroys, by allowing those worse than thugs to run things.


what's your alternative?

One example would be if people started living 150 years on average.

This is long enough to see the cycle come around again.
aka, if you don't know your history, you are doomed to repeat it.

Then you get people saying, from experience, this didn't turn out well last time, lets not do it again.

Also, with more people starting to wake up to the control grid, and then learning more about other people, you become more tolerant. I can keep my beliefs, you keep your beliefs. And so, less conflict starts.

(and i don't think i answered your question, because i am not sure which direction your question was meaning.)

if people started living 150 years on average.
be realistic.
If I were to say "if industrial quantities of graphene were to be made available that was cheaper than saran wrap"

That's actually going to happen sooner than a 150 year average life span. When(not if) it does it will change the world as we know it.

But that's not now.

So be realistic. What alternatives do you propose for the here and now?

150 years lifespan is happening now. But, it will be about a decade or two before people start noticing.

What will change is power will start being generated locally. As in, small community sized generators. And this will lead to a more of abundance mentality without big oil being able to drain everyone.

And then you have crypto-currencies. Where the govern-cement can't take them from people just by inflation or extortion by choke points. The biggest thing is that we will see exactly how much the govern-cements are spending. (the "National Debt" doesn't show anything). So, with sound money and real control on govern-cement, life gets much better.

150 years lifespan is happening now
citation please.
Nabi Tajima, the world's oldest person, dies at age 117.

There is no citation i can give you.
People don't even believe in breatharians.

You can read some about it in Carlos Casteneda's books.

One thing you can look up is C60, another of those miracle carbon structures.
I believe Sara Westall has a few videos on it.

well no.
I read some of Carlos's books.
back when I was but a young child and into fantasy.

They aren't fantasy. But that is a journey you have to take for yourself.

And i am doing my best to answer you,
but it seems you want a pat answer that is already in the "accepted" media.
I don't have any of those.

Even the science i work with is in direct opposition of what is taught in colleges.

you keep deflecting.
I asked you for an alternative.
something that can be implemented NOW.

Your question may seem obvious to you, however, it is a question that has 100 meanings in this context to me. Knowing your writings, i can sorta narrow it down to two. You may wish to ask in a different manner. Or expand your question a little bit / flesh it out.

So, ... an alternative to what?
To war?
To famine?
To lack mindset?
To being disconnected from God?
To the debt and death paradigm?
To roads?
To fossil (bad science) fuels?

never mind.
If I explained in great detail.
you as what 'is' is.

or some other form of deflection.

your argument(s) is/are invalid.

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