Why Do Militias Fight Better than Regular Armies - Some Thoughts

in #military4 years ago

In a number of wars all over the world, we have seen the rise of non-state militias where they get a better chance facing larger armies and the best example can be how the Iraqi resistance defeated the US and UK armies and forced them to leave in a humiliating manner and another stark example is how the Lebanese resistance spearheaded by Hezb Allah defeated the most beefed up 'largest terrorist regular army in the world' the IDF in 2000, 2006, and most lately put the entire IDF on one foot for a full week before striking them in broad daylight.

So what makes resistance military groups and other non-army regular groups so strong?

A member of the Wiki Q & A platform Quora put the question in a strange way as if it's limited to certain armies and not to any army, he asked: Why do al-Qaeda, ISIS, Hezbollah, Houthis, etc. seem to be much better in wars than the regular Arab armies?

I left him a reply which I'm copying the full answer here to preserve my reply from Quora's heavy censorship, especially with everything not praising Israel's crimes against humanity, and also to share the information with readers of this platform, listen to their views as well. This is what I replied with:

In the group you mentioned you need to segregate the bad guys from the good ones: al Qaeda and ISIS are mainly foreign fighters of the creation of the USA and sponsored by NATO and its regional allies. Hezb Allah and Houthis are homegrown grassroots movements.

Keeping that in mind there’re two main factors making those groups perform better than any other army, including the US combined forces for instances, how can anyone otherwise explain why it’s taking the US armed forces more than 19 years war in Afghanistan and they’re the ones losing the war there?

First factor for the bad guys: Unorganized, their headquarters are mainly underground and inside deep caves in rough mountains and very difficult terrains, they’re funded with abundant amounts of money and supplied with state of the art weapons, gears, ammunition and logistical support by the leading superpower and powers of the world. In case you didn’t know: Al Qaeda and ISIS are the creation of the USA, ask John Kerry and Hillary Clinton about that.


What makes these groups dangerous in addition to the massive support they get from NATO and stooges is they’re unpredictable and suicidal. They don’t mind sending dozens of them as suicide bombers to take out one person or one building, for instance.

Hezb Allah (the correct name of the party) and the Houthis of Yemen are much stronger than not only the Arab armies but also proven to be way stronger than the Israeli IDF group and the combined powers of NATO and their Gulfies, also can someone explain why it’s taking them more than 5 years in Yemen, the poorest Arab country?

Hezb Allah developed their tactics during years of fighting the Israeli invasion armies and their proxies until they achieved defeating the IDF and forcing Israel to retreat in one single day from most of the territories it was occupying for over 22 years. They have the massive overwhelming support of the people of their country. Plus they have the support of Syria and Iran since they face the same enemies: the Satanic groups of anti-Islamic al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorists, the anti-Jewish IDF fighters, and of course the USA which wants to place the whole world under its hegemony.

Cheak this: Hezb Allah Didn't Target an Earlier IDF Vehicle Manned by a Falashas Jew.

The Houthis come from a line of mountain fighters, their country was never conquered throughout history. They are tough fighters, super smart, know their terrain more than anybody else, a single Houthi fighter can stop a whole battalion with his Kalashnikov and an RPG and even inflict massive damage in their ranks wearing his slippers and his worn-out cloth.

Check this out (Video embedded contains Graphic scenes): Yemen Armed Forces Deliver Massive Blow to Saudi Coalition - Video.

They also enjoy the massive support of their own people and the Yemeni Armed Forces fighting alongside them against the Saudi hired forces. They also enjoy to a very limited degree the support of Iran and its allies in the form of Yemeni advisers trained by the IRGC. Yemen is effectively under siege and blockade from all sides since the beginning of the Saudi US-supported aggression more than 5 years ago.

Other than that there’s the belief each individual has during the battlefield: Is he fighting defending himself, his family, his country? Or he’s fighting because he’s drugged or for his politicians to make some extra money from commissions on sales of weapons and the loots and spoils from the foreign land.

BTW, have you seen the Syrian Army soldiers fight? The British career journalist Robert Fisk once said about them after he saw them in action: ‘they fight unwinnable battles and they win it.’ Maybe better to exclude them from your list of ‘Regular Arab Armies’.

End of my reply there.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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