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RE: Memorial Day 2018; A Good Day to discuss the difference between Soldiers, Warriors, and Thugs

in #military6 years ago

A nice post on the subject. To me however incomplete. The truth is the environment and the chemical responses to that environment have more to do with why warriors fight then any honor system. The StockHolme's Syndrome creates the environment that produces adrenaline and over a thousand different hormones so that the adrenaline doesn't kill us.

The effect is an inability to think logically or reasonably and a state that is not really based on clear metal process. Do this long enough to a population and they begin to have real problems cognitively. It is actually both groups both the perpetrators and the victims. The preps, because they must stay on their toes to prevent the captives from getting away. The captives because they are already in fear for their lives and thus under the fight or flight mechanism. No one to fight and no where to flea.

The result is a Dunning-Kruger effect perception that some people are of leaser mental ability then others and thus the idea that it is natural for the smarter to lord it over those of lesser ability. Problem is that the neural plasticity of the brain kind of proves that where a person is at mentally isn't a permanent state and the intelligence out put can be upgraded.

Thus the stupor of the Stockholm's Syndrome produces the Dunning Kruger effect and is the idea itself that people are of lesser mental potential. The fact that it supports the top down system and the idea that the smarter are deserving of the best is why this is not commonly comprehended.

If you go look up the Dunning-Kruger effect you will find that the perception is that people are thinking that they are smarter than they are. However a closer look leads to comprehension that the definition itself is irrational, because the data for the claim is not knowable. Who can after all read minds to know the cognitive process that lead to an act. Thus the definition itself is a perception based on opinion and not on facts. lol

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