200 followers and 230 posts - my thoughts on Steemit after 1 month

in #milestone7 years ago

 Yesterday marked the end of my first month on steemit, Since I joined I have gained 200+ followers and written about 230 posts. So I wanted to make a post about my thoughts on steemit, I will share what I like, what I don't like, and what improvements should be added to steemit to make it better.

My Experience

a few weeks ago I wrote a post about how I reached 100 followers in 15 days and I discussed how I found steemit and how I was liking it so far. You can see that post here - https://steemit.com/introduction/@benlearns/100-folllwers-and-100-posts-in-15-days-on-steemit-2017712t22413601z

What I like about Steemit

Like most people on this website, I think steemit is amazing. I think it is the future. It is amazing that you can get paid to post and I think it will definitely be the next big social media website. When you get paid to post it encourages posting quality content, which is why steemit is an amazing place where you can find so many interesting and informative posts. Another thing I like about steemit is the community, everyone is so nice. In fact, I haven't really seen many hate comments on any posts like you would find on sites like Youtube. This community has also allowed me to get a bigger following in a month than I have gotten in years on Youtube.

What I don't like about Steemit

While writing this I am really struggling to think of things I don't like about steemit. The only thing I can think of, off the top of my head is that you can't delete posts, but that is one of the drawbacks when a social media site is built on the blockchain.

Improvements I think should be added

There are a few improvements that I think should be added. First, I think there should be a recommended tab which is similar to the youtube homepage that finds posts you would probably like to read. Although this can cause some problems for creators like how the youtube algorithm is causing creators to specifically cater to it, I think it would be good for users who want to find content they would like. Second, I would like there to be for features and widgets you can add to your posts like a polling system similar to the one they have on twitter. Other widgets like this would greatly improve the site.

Overall steemit is an amazing website and I think everyone should use it.

Let me know if you agree with me and what you would like to see added to steemit.

Thank you so much for 200 followers and thanks for reading, if you like my posts please follow me, upvote, and resteem.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62659.86
ETH 2534.03
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.63