in #mil6 years ago

Hi, my dear subscribers! Today I would like to introduce you new ICO MILC!

Today there are a lot of social media platforms with good content. All people have access to them but it's difficult to contral all videos and other types of content. It's hard to proove your ownership. So the team of ICO MILC has decided to
create a large platform for the consumption and sale of video content from the German television channel and the production company Welt Der Wunder. This platform is unique and has the potential to become a standard in the international licensing trade sector. Future quantity will offer all content owners the ability to deliver their content to the global marketplace and facilitate access to buyers, advertisers and users. Customers will be able to do business with the owner or manufacturer of media content with automated security without locks regulated by smart contracts. This eliminates a lot of middlemen and reduces the price.

Customers will be able to do business directly with the owner or the producer of the media content with automated, trust free security of blockchain regulated smart contracts. This eliminates a host of intermediaries and significantly reduces the price. Producers, owners, as well as other platforms that require content participate in this model equally.

International trade in content on TV, video online publication is based on license agreements that
depending on the use of video content. There is not only one standard, but several that need to be considered. The business is very international as video licenses are aimed at global markets by global suppliers.

A significant problem is global accessibility. Global legal systems, differences and treaty as well as language complicate the process. Knowing the differences in the business of professionals in this sector and the difficulty to understand the layman. There are no certain standards yet. Therefore, most license agreements, although very similar, are constantly being processed and developed. A trusted partner structure that standardizes and automates contracts, offering both sellers and buyers a high degree of legal protection and is absent.

Unlike music licensing, video licensing is much more complicated. The basis of music licensing is a music file. However, a single video license can represent several different file types and several different contracts. This is due to the intended use of the buyer, the user usually acquires the right to play the file. In the media industry, usage rights need to be defined much more precisely to even complete a transaction.

Usage type
The type of use may vary greatly. TV channels widely distribute the program on their territory, which makes usability unattractive for others. The price is correspondingly higher. Pay-TV or water platforms limit this market to their customers, so other distribution channels are still interested in purchasing content. The IPTV market, the Internet is also playing an increasingly important role in determining prices. However, often the buyer wants to purchase several, if not all, types of use at the same time.

A further partner who will assist in the smooth operationof the blockchain-based sales platform is the marketleading Swiss telecommunications company Swisscom. Swisscom is one of the leading banking infrastructureproviders in Europe, and currently provides servicesto almost 200 banking institutions. The MILC projecttherefore has secured the cooperation of Swisscomand its deep experience in running financial platforms. The operation of the distribution blockchain, the maintenanceof the blockchain based smart contract executionand the crypto currency based financial flows aftercompletion will be designed and run by Swisscom Blockchain.

Partial sales " Clip»
Often required to eliminate the sections of the sale, which is licensed only for the specific clip. For example, a buyer of a documentary work wants to get a small part of a complete program to integrate it into their work. For example, in a program consisting of five separate deposits, the buyer is often interested in only one. The contract is then determined in minutes of purchased and other contractual terms of use, timeframes, etc.

The main benefits of the distribution platform the Blockchain numbers. Smart contracts compress all relevant sales factors for suppliers and buyers, resulting in legal and automatic execution.
The advantages for both sides are obvious:

Sales data for individual markets are up-to-date and transparent, ensuring price orientation for producers.
The block chain provides the number of main periods used as model standards, leaving options open for individual negotiation.
Block - blocking quantity provides transparency of sold usage types and available. This saves time for buyers in determining the cost of the license.
The quantity blocker provides visibility to existing sales that only allow purchases of the second or third evaluation cycle.
ICSU blockchain and the founders of Welt der Wun der have a reputation and experience in the industry to minimize risks to buyers and suppliers.

Blocking Advantages in quantity.

For content providers :
Content providers get an overview of the entire market of potential customers worldwide. This excludes
sales Commission from 30% to 50%.

For content buyers :
It is currently impossible to make media platforms a professional received a market overview of video resources. They rely on Resellers who limit supply and significantly increase cost.

Project blockchain quantity
Another partner that will help in the smooth operation of the blockchain-based sales platform is the industry-leading Swiss telecommunications company swisscom. Swisscom is one of the leading
banking infrastructure providers in Europe and currently provides services to nearly 200 banking institutions. Thus, the project provided swisscom's cooperation and deep experience in working with financial platforms.
The work of the distribution block chain, support for the execution of the smart contract based on the blockchain and financial flows based on the cryptocurrency will be developed and implemented in swisscom Blockchain after completion.

Generally, a producer has to adapt his idea and budget country by country and broadcasters to broadcasters and secure his pre-sale budget one by one. This is a very laborious process. Often the pre-sale is agreed, but the full budget is not reached and production is not started. Early pre-sale partners help out, if the sales process takes too long. High-quality productions suffer more and more often as the budget is inevitable higher than for simple, more conventional ideas. The victims are both broadcasters and water platforms, and ultimately the viewer who receives massive appeal content.

Basic information
The name of the token: MILC
Token sale: 20 800 000 in quantity
The cost of a token: 5.59EUR
Platform: Ethereum
Token delivery: 40 000 000 in quantity
Solid cover: 90 000 000 Euro
Accept for payment: Eth, BTC, Fiat


Hendrik Hey - Founde & Managing Director
Manuel Mariadassou - Cheif Technical Officer
Esther Hay - Head of Sales
Sandra Leinfelder - Online editor
2018 - q1/q2
Preparations Welt der
Wunder content for platform usage

2018 - q1/q2 ff
Development blockchain
system for sales

2018 - q2 ff
Expansion of the blockchain
shop system for sales

2018 - q1/q2 ff
Development blockchain
system for sales

2018 - q3/q4 ff
Start of international
sales: Europe / inclusion of
additional content partners

2018 - q4 ff
Start of international sales:
USA/Canada/inclusion of
additional content partners

2019 - q1 ff
Start of international
sales: Asia / inclusive of
additional partners

2019 - q2 ff
Start of international sales:
Reset of World / Inclusion of
additional content partners

For futher information use the links below:

Website: https://www mmm.milk.global
Technical document: https://welt-der-wunder.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/ico/pdfs/ICO_WhitePaper_WdW_EN.pdf?cache=7
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MILC-180984935788482
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MicroLicCoin
Telegram (ru, de): https://t.me/wdw_milc_en https://t.me/wdw_milc_de
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2432428.0

Btt profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1697280

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 61757.03
ETH 2490.84
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64