"Is The Left Unhinged?"

in #midterm6 years ago

feedback-1977987_1280.jpgIn every midterm election since the Civil War, the president's party has lost, on an average of, 32 seats in the House of Representatives and two in the Senate. This year's midterm could prove even worse.

The reason? Republican congressmen are retiring in droves. So far, roughly 40 members are slated for departure.

"If conservatives--and in particular, evangelical voters--do not turn out, the House will change hands," predicts Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council.

"One of the first orders of business will be the impeachment of President Trump," he said. "And while the Left may not succeed in removing him from office, they will most likely succeed in stopping what this administration is doing.

"And what is it doing? The Trump administration isn't just enacting a conservative agenda in line with the Constitution. It is systematically dismantling the policies of its left-wing predecessor," Perkins said.

"That's why the Left is unhinged. They won't be able to jump back in the driver's seat and shape policies that aim to remove Biblical values from the public square. They'll have to rebuild--and that will take time, especially if they don't have the courts to help them in their activism.

"Some of our fellow Christians remain skeptical or indifferent about our engagement in the political process. Don't be foolish. Elections have consequences--many of them far-reaching ones, as we continue to see from the years of President Obama."

The bottom line? It's up to us. If the Christian doesn't care, won't pray, refuses to vote: We lose with a capital 'L'.

A wise man once said: "We have to act while we can, to fortify our freedoms and ensure that government doesn't try to quarantine our Christian faith within the four walls of our churches." --Tony Perkins, Family Research Council

"So be careful how you live, not as fools but as those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity for doing good in these evil days" -- Ephesians 5:15-16.

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