Day Twelve - Change

I am averse to change.

I avoid it at all costs. Well, I try to.

I recognize it as a weakness so I try to work on it, but I don't like to.

I actually dislike to so much that I find it difficult to write about it. Even in my favourite context, of thanks. So I put it off, and put it off. And now it's night.

I always write in the morning.

a small change

I suppose, if I reflect honestly, I have to admit I am grateful for some changes.

I am grateful for the changes in myself from this same time last year to now. I am grateful for the lessons I learned in the previous twelve months. I am grateful for the things in me that have grown because of those lessons.

I am grateful for knowing what I want. And I wouldn't have come to that knowledge without the lessons I learned and what they are changing in me ... if I allow it.

I suppose I had missed out on some things for not changing.

And now is as good a time as any to embrace the message that I have repeated to many friends. You cannot keep doing the same thing and expect different results.


I suppose, if I keep working on the little things, I will recognize big changes down the road.

Because I want something bad enough. So I am going to have to do something different to obtain it.



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