
But it's not as simple as "the world is messed up" - in places like Seattle (reminding me why I left this place in 2014) people act as if things are amazingly fantastic, then stare at their phones as they step over homeless people ... I think, if there is a God, a great chastisement is coming ... and, sadly, God does NOT "sort them out" as that medievel cleric once said.

Well maybe that's the only option they have got. They can't go around weeping, can they? You might not see people's personal struggles until you get close enough, Dan.

Truly ... but the level of oblivious ignorance in the face of the horrors committed by our government, by our nation? I suppose I would like them to think about the moms, dads, and kids set on fire by white phosphorous, paid for by their dog-like obedience to the "amazing" system ... it would be nice if they showed concerns for the burning kids too.

Also ... being willing to look the truth, it its ugly eyes, is not about "weeping" - actually, it's about courage.

After looking it in its ugly eyes, then what?

... then, make a choice. If you want to be a participant, then do so ... if you think you can stop it - do that ... if you have kids, train them so one day they might fight where we stopped ... but, as in all things, make a choice ...

Okay. So what is your choice? Stop fighting?

I think, in any tyranny (and America is a tyranny), one form of rebellion is to choose NOT to participate. Since, in real and social terms, choosing not to participate amounts to social, if not actual, suicide ... well ... maybe ... I certainly won't be filing taxes, and I'm considering burning my social security card and driver's license. But, if I do those things? - then it's: a) criminal, b) hobo or c) ... and I have not made a decision yet. But, as in all choices - as long as they are conscious choices, and not the behavior of slaves, we ought to be respectful. "Stop fighting?" - I've been fighting my whole life ... and it really becomes pointless, after a while. In a totalitarian state, the only true rebellion left is to not support the system ... and in our non-privacy, always tracked, every dime taxed America? - how would you not participate? Go where? To another tyranny? The world is grids, marked up, monitored ... Frederick Jackson Turner made this point a century ago - THE FRONTIERS ARE DEAD ... so yeah ... I don't know what I'm doing yet, but I feel better about admitting that each person has that personal right, that personal choice ... participate and support implicitly (if not explicitly) OR choose to opt out of the horror show.

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