A Study on Chat GPT as a Developer

in #microsoft2 years ago

While working as a full-stack developer, I got to know ChatGPT through news or word of mouth like any other person.

There is a code review culture* among those who develop it together, and I used it right away after hearing that I could do a much cleaner code review through ChatGPT.

(What is code review culture? It refers to a culture in which people working on coding together discuss how to write code for collaboration.)

To start with the conclusion, developers are likely to work alone even more.

The existing code review culture had many different and subjective areas, such as the level of people collaborating with each other, the base language of the project, and the design patterns generally used.

When you copy and insert the code as it is, ChatGPT reviews everything from variable names, memory management, and coding, which people usually call clean code, and gives feedback on each line of code!

Really ChatGPT is crazy. So I searched how on earth can ChatGPT do a good code review and found that the majority shareholder in ChatGPT is Microsoft!

When Microsoft acquired GitHub a few years ago, there was a lot of talk among developers about what they thought of acquiring GitHub, an open source. Later, speculation was rampant that it might eventually become paid, but through ChatGPT, Microsoft's big picture was understood.

It can be inferred that ChatGPT has learned all the codes on GitHub. Otherwise, you can give feedback on code reviews in such a professional and cleanly.

In the meantime, I thought that Microsoft, which was pushed by Google and Apple, had lost its way, but I was hiding a secret weapon called ChatGPT.

Overall, in addition to code reviews, I did it through ChatGPT such as document reference and data search when developing it, and there is no such clean adverb. When evaluating developers in the future, the amount of productivity using ChatGPT is expected to have a great impact.
Even if you do the same work, you can finish the work in one to two hours with ChatGPT.

I wonder how ChatGPT will develop in the future, and I will write ChatGPT and review in detail what advantages it has as a developer.

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