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RE: Sound

in #microfiction6 years ago

Prefacing here before I move on to do anything else: I know this possibly is connected to the @jayna #microfiction contest (the 250-word taskers) and it very much has the tempo of such. With that said, I won't budge on rules since yah comply with them and the what nots :p

The foto (photo): Yah know, yah are what yah eat, and the first thing we eat is what we see. Many would think picking out a foto (photo) is a cutesy thing or just a complimentary when it does have a big effect on whether it hooks in or makes people sick. And staring at this foto (photo), it really hooks me in, despite it being a contingent part (both in contingent events that doesn't feel necessitated and contingent as in part of; gotta love how English can work on ambiguities! Sorry, freaking out too much like a Witgenstenian beating up a Derridaen on linguistics). From the way we get to see the railway in the background which then leads to the bridge (over a river?) all trapped by a forest. Which then all points towards, contingently (necessity as its dialectical double), towards oure person of concern in the center of the pictura (picture). With her (I assume the pronoun) looking down, probably for the æsthetics of the river or just relaxing (or maybe shooting for a foto). But it definitely has a mojo and nice gelling when we get to the post proper.

Unto the post itself: Since not much stands in the way for formatting other than a decentered pictura, some usage of italics and paragraphs, not much to comment. So, unto the story of which we shall parse through the one less than two-fifty words here. Since the prompt was sound, I was glad to see everything related to sound being played of quite nicely here (especially when yah constantly relate back to the pictura and the female observer, which I just noticed how comfy those clothes look). Especially with the telling parts gelling well with the showing parts (especially with the italics coming out of nowhere and feeling like a memory bursting through the seems). And the story of why she has such sensititvity is just outright depressing (and reflective) of the society she has to course and navigate through. Though I caught that on early, I wonder if the others caught on to that little throwaway-non-throwaway commentary there? Eh, I will just throwaway that comment to be sure.

So congratulations on the @curie upvote, keep on fiction-crafting and happy steeming!


Wow, thank you for the in-depth comment and for taking the time to read, consider and understand my writing :)

Welcome for the comment! ~^^~
Thanks for sharing the story once again and keep on writing~

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