A Spooky Thursday

in #microfiction6 years ago

{"Hello, I am Spooky. And this is my home. Can you humble player, make it through 1000 rooms? Can you find what lies at the end? Or is there even an end? Cuz I don't really know. Anyway jus-just go..." - Spooky, Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion... Today’s an entry to @jayna’s 250-word, 100-word and 50-word tasker Contest. Ready to be tested?... Today’s music-aide: The Horror of Our Ways by @icondark, where their music post can be found here.}

My sketchy sketch of Spooky c:

- Spooky -

Floating about, her body levitated around the stone-cold areas of the mansion. Her hands chucking a cadevar, the floor grunted as it always did but accepted them all shamelessly. Phasing through the walls, her hands and fingers reached to the night stars twirling above. Her ghostly torso then leaning back on a chair, tossing the mass of her overflowing dress on the console as her hands thrown popcorn to her pie hole as her other hand slipped on the headphones. Her head jamming to spooky tunes, a knock tested her ears.

"Another one at the door already! This is testing the limits of curious folks, must be a boring age when they got these cool gear."

Thunder scars the air as it pounds the yelping air. A pair of boots clank on the stone-cold floor, the floor yelping with each step. As Spooky’s image glided down yet hovered above the visitor, a piano tune played.

"Hello, I am Spooky, and this is my home. Can you... humble soldier- hey where are you going? There’s a 1000!- Wow, they just blew up my door and walked into the endless maze. Hope they, that gas-masked, urban camo... wait what’s this note?"

"Dear Spooky,
name’s Hunk and I will test out how Spooky this mansion really is. Locals going made their kids are going missing.

With haste,
Hunk - Ol’ Death"

"Well, this should be interesting and put to test the specimen. I wonder how they will fare against Hunk. Maybe I’ll recruit them."

- Specimen 5 -

"To the preaching crowds:
sing this high chant
that’ll banish this dæmon
who tests God’s Resolve!br>
Tonight, we shall hunt
this featureless killer
who rampaged oure towns
and tempted communions!"

So said the town preacher
before scrambling to write
down the hallucinogenic
experience they encountered.

As noted by "transformed" surfaces,
persistent fog plaguing everyone,
a female mannequin stalking
armed with a "greatsword."

Legends utter she speaks
by tongue of her torturers
- confessiones sacrilegas -
but clear without a mouth:

Tiny, shining holes in the sky.
Delicate, perfect emptiness.
Black, growing absences of life.
Cold, swarming death.
And we shall become them

- fifty sores -

Fifty sores,
fifty doors;
c’mon now,
hands tow!

As I pass through,
no mo’ turnin’ back;
as I dive low,
sanity goes a whack!

Testin’ my resolve!
Testin’ high honour!
Testin’ by strength!
Testin’ thy graces!

Oh, you Spooky lassy:
lace-curtain looking mass
of certain book sassiness
in mistook pizazz


Two thingsTM: prepare for a Cthulhu guide tomorrow from yer internationally local parish priest, Comrade Prof. Dr. Victor, and I’m travelling now!!!!~ So yeah, gonna have fun now :p


Weirdly appropriate, thanks!

This post has been manually selected, curated and upvoted by CI mod staff team. Supporting all posts that are in high quality and don’t get enough recognition.

This post was submitted for curation by: @theironfelix
This post was voted: 100%


Thank you for sharing your spooky stories, @theironfelix! (But I laughed out loud at the "pie hole" line. That phrase always cracks me up!)

UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for compliments!~

I like 'fifty sores'

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UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments! :D :D!!!!~

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