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RE: Tangible Tuesday

in #microfiction6 years ago

<3 the poem here is so very well craft. A labor of love, each line aromatic in the air of beauty it radiates.

You open reminiscent of the greats, of classical love poetry, setting the tone for this so well, the first verse capped in the last line of the second verse gives such a vivid image. It establishes a wonderful sense of balance, i could go through this verse by verse, appreciating the skill and technique behind the poem, but it is more than the sum of its words <3

Did narcissus really die? or did he transcend and attain immortality, his beauty forever reflected back, retreating in the bereft depths of winter, emerging in the snow of spring, narcissus, so often hammered into us as a cautionary tale on vanity, pursued his goal unfettered by the judgement of others. And in doing so, achieved a greatness that would have been lost to him, had he conformed and hidden his love for the self. Narcissus, a hero of following the heart, and not letting others uproot your dreams, he instead learnt how to shield his dreams, and retreat from the cold touch of the winter. In a world where self value is seen as vapid, and in this poem, vanity did not die, but slowly became self worth, the reflected image narcissus was so scorned for valuing, a projection of your soul that is indeed worth is adoration.

alas lord byron, the breaker of hearts, drawn to love by wit and intelligence, betrayed from love by madness of his mind, but that was not a sad tale for his beloved, for she carried the light in her own right, two flames, converged, burnt brightly. Yet lord Byron was bound by his time, his love ran wild, his pen could not.

You do not stand on your own feet alone, you are standing on the shoulder of giants, you now peer beyond the fences that limited them. Your passion unbridled is always dazzling, your poetry has such a depth of inspiration, like a river, having chose the best and most natural course to convey its charge, you really are a poet <3


~Uw-peckin'-wU~ Thanks for reading, complimenting, commenting, ... , analyzing it and making this comment!~

[Melts away with your great analysis of the opening stanza happy]

The great question that not even the original storyteller knows the answer to, what is known is the nature around grew beautiful thanks to Narcissus. Indeed, it does seem silly Narcissus is treated as a cautionary tale and not equally a story of transcendance or following one's passion with non-a-regret that one's legacy lives on forever. And I agree that self-value is seen that, but I call individualist societies (which there are none, just societies that benefits from atomizing people) hypocritical if they do sincerely believe that. But ahhhhhh!!!!~ <<<<3333

Caught yah on that Lord Byron part, really wanted to see if school's taught yah right by showing his poems. Glad yah know a great wealth of him and understod my referencing there~ And indeed, his love did ran wild when his pen couldn't.


Also my internet is crap, so sorry I couldn't respond to DMs right now... c:

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