Microblog: Prints On Paper
It is not my birthday or any special "occasion" however this week a little girl approached me and give me this as a gift. It is a draw printed on paper to color. I think I haven't colored one of these since I was also a little girl. It immediately made me remember those days, I must admit that I still keep some color pencils with me from that time.
I saw that the drawing was beautiful, I should color it and share it on my blog, I thought. But today I remembered that this has also a very interesting history that made it look like this nowadays. So I decided to dig into the subject of papers and prints, to know a little bit more about it.
The paper, which is practically necessary for our daily life was invented more than 2000 years ago, and the first one was made of plants back in the 2nd century by Cai Lun. It was created to write messages, print books, and documents. Which leads to the subject of printing, because although some societies have been using some form of printing for more than 3000 years, it was Gutenberg in the 15th century who developed mass printing and began the road to modernization. The type of printing we know nowadays started back in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries.
I hope you have found this information interesting.
Thank you so much for reading.
Best regards.
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