The Extremely Weird Case of Flight MH-17

in #mh176 years ago (edited)

Malaysian transport minister refuses to blame Russia for downing of flight MH17

Malaysian transport minister Anthony Loke says there is no conclusive evidence that Russia is to blame for the 2014 downing of Malaysia Airlines flight 17, in contradiction with the findings of an international team of investigators.

Investigators said last week that detailed analysis of video images led them to conclude that the missile that brought down the flight originated from a Russian anti-aircraft missile brigade.

Minister Blok verrast door uitspraak over MH17

DEN HAAG - Minister Blok (Buitenlandse Zaken) noemt het „verrassend” dat de Maleisische transportminister Loke stelt ’dat er geen doorslaggevend bewijs is dat Rusland verantwoordelijk is’ voor het neerhalen van vlucht MH17.

Dutch Minister surprised by Malaysia’s statements on MH17 plane crash

THE HANGUE, June 1. /TASS/. Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok said he was surprised by the statement of Malaysia’s Transport Minister Anthony Loke on the lack of convincing evidence of Russia's responsibility for the downing of the Malaysian Boeing in the east of Ukraine, the Telegraaf newspaper reported.

Now Let's Move to the Very Very Weird part of this Flight And Airplane and look at the unbelievable FACTS about this airplane on :

mh17 a.png

Now let's inspect these data in Detail:

mh17 c.png

There seems to be a very odd game at play here:

  • the numbers 7 and 17 are all over the place
  • the first flight of 9M-MRD was on 17.07.1997
  • the last flight of 9M-MRD was on 17.07.2014
  • the first and last flight happened on exactly the same calendar day of the year
  • between the first and the last flight were exactly 17 years
  • the flight was called MH 17
  • 9M-MRD was a Boeing 777 (3 times 7)
  • 1997 -> 1(99)7 -> 17
  • 2014 -> 14/2 = 7
  • 2014 -> 2+0+1+4 = 7

How Much More Coincidence can there be???

It's clear here is something much greater going on than just a few Russians or Ukrainians who had a bit to much vodka and downed a passenger plane by mistake.

Someone or something is playing games with the world and wants to send a message.

  • But who is or are the players?
  • What is the message?
  • To whom is the message directed?
  • Is it just the Universe being weird and playing weird games?
  • Is it non-terrestrians that are playing with us?
  • Or are there Secret Services playing all kind of weird games, showing off what they are capable of achieving?

If it is the last option, then only a combination of the Evil Empire of Israel and the Anglo-Saxons is capable of pulling off something like this. But why on Earth would they go through all this scheming to show what to whom? Just to send a message to "Bad Putin" - or other competitors for global power like China?

Here's how I found my sources:
which led me to:
which led met to:
where I found this reaction:

"In regards to the passports being in perfect condition. Paper is surprisingly resilient in plane crashes. If you look into the crash of Pacific Southwest Airlines flight 1771. That plane crashed with 43 people traveling 770 mph (faster than the speed of sound) and the only thing that survived in that crash was unburned paper. At the crash site no flesh or plane wreckage was found only paper scattered everywhere. Everything else vaporized.

A lot of the bodies in the photos show signs of postmortem lividity which is the bloating and red purple colors. No telling exactly when all of the photos were taken. It could have been hours after even. Bloating and red, purple coloration can start after just 20 minutes of death. The plane was flying at 33,000ft at the time it was shot down. Temperatures outside are -55 degrees f at that altitude. That temperature filling the cabin plus the rapid acceleration towards the ground doesn't help either.

Lastly one weird thing I want to point out about this.

It was a Boeing 777 called Flight 17, it crashed on the 17th day of the 7th month exactly 17 years to the date that it was first put into service which was 7-17-1997. Why so many 7's in this whole incident?"

Then Google did the rest.

final reports:

No mentioning of the very odd concurrences of the first and last flight in this report

Why was it not mentioned? To keep the "un-enlightened stupid"? That is how the highest rated newspaper in my country "de Standaard" likes to work. They remain silent on the most important facts and connections between facts, to keep the well-educated "intelligentsia" STUPID.

I really don't know what to make of this, but one thing I am sure of, is that this is NOT coincidence. The chances of some combination of unlikely coincidences are ridiculously small to be just coincidence.

  • What do you make of these weird facts?
  • Do you see more weird sevens and seventeens or other strange patterns?

There are more weird things going on in the world these days.

It is as if someone is playing and they are making fun of America and England by making them look as fools and idiots and clowns, by letting them elect a joke like Donald Trump or Boris Johnson. Or make the English look like idiots by letting them set up something uber-ridiculous and unlikely like the Skripal case.

What the heck is going on folks?


Let me take a minute to enlighten you here.

This has everything to do with Mysticism in numbers & gematria.

Especially if you think about this, that happened, a little while before mh17. It’s a message by miss lagarde from IMF

thanks alot for this very illustrative video. I was not aware these people are really so obsessed with kaballistic numerology. Another remarkable thing I just found out watching this video, is she was mentioning the Fall of the Berlin Wall. It happened on 9 November 1989, or on 9/11 as we would say here in Europe. And we all know what happened on 9/11 - in the American meaning - 22 years later.
The Fall of the Berlin Wall, weirdly enough was an event that I had already found out in the eighties, would happen around this time. There was a very special combination of planets around this date I had noted in an "Ephemerides". So I wondered if or what would happen. It appeared to coincide with the fall of the Berlin Wall.
And 9/11 -> 9-1-1 = 7 (if you 'take away' the Two Towers, 2 giant 1's, that is).
And then we had this weird collapse of WTC 7 also again...

Quite often major happenings occur when planetary alignments are in play. (Or on so called ley lines on earth). We have weird occult things going with old boys network politicians in bohemian grove meetings. As far as i can tell, These things have been going on for ages. There are as many different explanations for this as there are different voices talking about these things. But imo, the numerology and gematria aspects are too much in your face to overlook as insignificant. Be persistant and the truth will come to us, thanks to the spread of information and the internet, humanity is having a massive awakening. Hence the crackdown on the free internet. BTW, about mh17, there’s a video circulating online from not long after the crash with footage of the bodies on there, things are not what they seem to be

I think the video is in the link of liveleak I posted above, not for the fainthearted.

Yes, that’s the one i talked about. Good to realise you ‘know’ that 9ne, and indeed, there are some horrible images there.

even i don't know what the heck just went on there

The plane wasn't shot down, it was vaporized with scalar weaponry. Jacob Rothschild inherited the patent for KL 03 chip immediately after all the coowners of fairchild got vaporized

You are mixing up MH17 with MH370, although both are obviously connected to each other

Kill 1 more to hide one target ?

I think there are even stories that most of the passengers were biologists who where working on aids hiv medicine...... really very weird story.

Nice content!!Valuable so..

wow. Minister Blok verrast door uitspraak over MH17

Tsja, de asshole.

All is correct. Russia has nothing to do with it

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