Photographer to Your Expectations

in #mgsc6 years ago

I have a confession: I sometimes cringe when I log onto Facebook and see that someone has tagged me in a post. It means that I’m now up against every photographer that every friend of that person knows. And when I say, “every photographer,” I mean EVERY photographer. Of course I'm grateful to the people who refer me, especially when someone asks for a headshot photographer.
I’ve already written a blog about getting what you pay for. I’m not trying to reiterate that here. I want to express that every photographer is very different. Those differences usually explain differences in pricing, but not always. What they do explain is that not every photographer can meet every person’s needs.
Professional photographers are just that – professional. If you are trying to capture newborn pictures, you only have one chance to get them right. Or maybe you want some boudoir pictures to celebrate an anniversary? Do you want the person behind the camera trying to take these kinds of photos for the first time? Talk about feeling awkward.
I guess what I'm saying is just don’t put photographers in a bucket. We are all different and have different qualifications. Instead, ask yourself what you want in your photos, your expectations, and go from there.20180726171743.jpg

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