Questions You’ll Be Asked at a UX Design Interview

in #mgsc6 years ago

(And how to prepare for them)
Landing a job is hard work. While it’s impossible to know (beforehand) the answer to every question that an interviewer asks you, there are a few common questions that you can prepare for. Nailing the answers to these won’t guarantee you a job, but they will improve your chances of success. Just remember to tailor them to each individual interview based on the job description and company.

Below is my list of seven fundamental UX interview questions, along with tips and tricks on how to answer them.

  1. What is UX design? Why does it matter? How would you explain the UX design process?
    What they’re trying to figure out: Do you have the basics down right?
    Even though this is a fairly general question, don’t provide general answers. Focus on giving a specific definition that sheds light on who you are as a designer. Your explanation should be clear and accessible. (Imagine that you’re explaining it to a 10-year-old).

For the “why does this matter” question, use it as an opportunity to showcase your passion for the company’s approach to design. You can also use it to tell a story that provides context for your own design perspective and focuses on the importance of human-centered experiences.
Nick Babich
Editor-in-chief of UX Planet


Good post about the questions raising by the job owners.

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