How to Get Over Someone You Love Truly Not Meant For You part2

in #mgsc6 years ago

but more so people so when you are in a relationship with someone it's like they're yours they're like your little pet dog and once they're no longer there you get really worried what are you going to do where are they why is the bed empty okay now the ego is freaking out right now because for so long it's been able to control that person now you're slowly coming to the realization that you don't control them, in fact, you don't control anybody so what's helped me along my


Jen to get over someone I love truly not meant for me is to realize that it's only my ego that's hurt because the ego just wants to control so you've got to really surrender and realize that you don't control anybody not even the cat down the road sorry to break it to you never full of anything never force anything just let it be if it's meant to be it will slow motion this life you're trying to squeeze your foot in but your heel is sticking out of the back and it doesn't look good what are we going to do about that little rhyme for you look I realize that letting go is hard when if someone you love it's even

harder I know ladies fellas but holding on to someone who doesn't want to be there is far worse what I call holding on to incompatibility like you can try and make it work but sometimes it's just like clearly not working they are not meant to be with you you not meant to be with them and it's a hard pill to swallow the arch is hard better grab some water right but I've learned this that look letting go frees you because now you give people that freedom if someone if someone truly truly wants to be in your life they are going to do whatever it takes no excuses like a lot of people are like I don't

have time for that person I don't have time for you I don't have time for you look when someone really seriously wants to be a part of your life they are going to do everything it takes you see sometimes we can't get over someone we love because we realize that we weren't really committed to them or oh they weren't really committed to us so don't cry over someone who didn't really put in that effort baby there is someone who's going to lift you up to the moon and say I love you kind of like that right I'm not a seven day vegan challenge that you see in the old days even our parents like when

they would have an argument ask them ask your mom ask your dad like they would figure it out they're like okay you stole the cookies the vegan cookies like that's cool we can we can get through this it's not the end of the world like seven day vegan challenge what even helped me in one of my early relationships when I was like 19 when I'm like is this relationship going anywhere is it worth pursuing it and what did we do we had to talk over a meal oh yeah okay talk over a beautiful brown rice avocado salad got the cacao smoothie okay now there still might be something there you see it's the ego that says actually I'm finished bye-bye do you know how many people I meet who just have a little argument

where did the umbrella girl you didn't put back the umbrella by what so I've realized that a lot of things know a lot of things a lot of things can be resolved over a good meal okay pop a grape in their mouth they'll pop grape in your mouth okay now we're talking because communication separates people you see the reason why sometimes so hard to get over someone you love truly not meant for you or they might be for you is because there is a lack of communication from the ego the ego never wants to sort things out because it's got too much pride baby yeah you got to let it keep your ego in check I've had to learn that my ego is not my amigo it's not my friend especially when it comes to relationships to

really know if someone is meant to be in your life you need to talk to them say how do you feel do you feel what I feel is there a sympathetic vibration are we vibrating towards each other or is it time to let it go so after the meal one of you is going to be like yeah and the other one is going to be like yeah that's a good thing but if both of you are like we just had a great meal and we still don't feel the same way about each other then it's time to go oh it's time to go pack your bags

and get out of the restroom you don't have to get out of the restroom but you got to get the hell out of here look what's helped me along my journey is this some people come into your life they're meant to stay some people come into your life they're meant to leave and nothing it is not personal it's got nothing to do with you because you don't control if someone stays or if they leave like I meet people who are like Ralph I I just bought her a rolls-royce Ralph

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