Why #MeToo was and still is a step in the right direction...

in #metoo7 years ago


As someone who was sexually abused, I was drawn to the #MeToo campaign, not for attention, nor for sympathy, but to finally be able to unashamingly say that I was sexually abused and it doesn’t matter who believes me or what people think of me. Oh and after that experience, life went on and I am stronger and wiser because of it.

So I see people talking trash about the movement saying that it is just a bunch of celebrities misconstruing their stories years later and claiming it as sexual abuse and as one of the main supporters of #MeToo and the founder of one of the largest body positive movements, I believe that #MeToo gave many people the courage to stand in their power of what they went through and for others to say the three words many who have faced sexual abuse long to hear, “I believe you.”

In the days, months and years after being sexually assaulted by a deacon in my church, I feared sharing my story again because I had already faced people not believing me and as a 14 year old young girl that was devastating and brought up many questions that stuck with me into my adulthood including:

  • What’s wrong with me?
  • Am I not enough?
  • What did I do to cause it?
  • Was their something else I could have done to prevent it?
  • Did I deserve it?

And it also made me feel dirty like I was an animal not a human being. I couldn’t talk about it to those close to me as they either didn’t believe me or just didn’t want to hear about it. There are so many other women (and even some men) who have gone through something similar and #MeToo gives them not only a platform to speak out, but a community that is willing to openly believe them and spread love and hope to them.

No, #MeToo won’t stop sexual abuse, assault and rape from happening but it is bringing attention to an issue that is negatively impacting more lives than you will ever know and is opening the door for conversations and dialogue on it.

So some people are lying about their stories you say? Well, how can you determine the truth in that statement if you don’t stop and question the validity of each persons story? I don’t have time for that, nor do I feel that necessary.

I believe in the overall power and message of the movement. I believe in giving those who have been abused the opportunity to be able to speak freely and non-judged about their experiences. I believe we must all come together and stop hating on everyone else but start leading with love.

We have a long way to go and #MeToo is just a starting point....

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