The #MeToo & #TimesUp Movement is Exposing Sexually Duplicitous Men?

in #metoo7 years ago (edited)

Alan Rodger Currie who is a PUA (Pick up artist) claims men should be lose their job if they lie about their intention. Lying about your intention is wrong and I agree with that. But to get a man to lose his job? What if a man changes his mind? I guess women are the only ones to change his mind? I know plenty of men who was going to marry to a woman but changed his mind after he discovered the red pill.
Mr Currie claims he doesn't like feminists or feminism but at the same time he is supporting the movement. The METOO movement is a feminism movement where women exaggerate rape or sexual assault. One Korean woman in South Korea claimed 90% of South Korea men rape would. Does that makes sense to you? If women were getting raped that much how many women would leave their homes? I bet very little.
Many women will sleep with a man to get to the top. How about the women who asked me for sex at my work place? How about the women who showed me her panties at work? It's only wrong when men supposedly do it. This is simping at it's best. I don't know a single woman that has be sexually harassed at work.
I know one claimed to be drugged at a club, mind you this woman ended lying about a lot of things. Women used to tell me their deep darkest past. I only know of 2 or 3 women ever had issues with men sexually assaulting them. Considering I have listened to hundreds of women i think Alan Rodger Currie is either stupid or lying. Of course Alan is going to stick up for women because they paid his bills and leech off women.

Btw this isn't a personal attack this is all factual which he has stated himself.

The link to his article below!

Update the woman accused Aziz Ansari has been told she wasn't sexually assaulted and she shouldn't have been part of the METOO movement. Now this makes Mr Currie look like an idiot because men like him will blindly believe a woman because she is a woman.

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