In-depth| Understanding X Metaverse Pro Ecological Layout in One Article

in #metaverse2 years ago

In recent years, the Flywheel Effect of the metaverse is rapidly coming to the fore, especially as the market value of the industry is about to expand to hundreds of billions of dollars. X METAVERSE PRO, as a metaverse leader, has long been prepared for the metaverse era and has taken the lead in ecology. Today, Scientist, a Web 3.0 senior researcher and a blockchain enthusiast, will explain the comprehensive layout of X METAVERSE PRO’s metaverse ecology from a new perspective.

The following is the transcript of the live broadcast.

Scientist: There are mainly four significant elements in X METAVERSE PRO, The first is Public Chain 4.0, the second isDeFi2.0, the third is DAO and the fourth is WEB3.0 Super Ecology. As far as I am concerned, the era of metaverse has come. Metaverse mainly addresses the pain points of traditional Internet, so what are the specific pain points? First of all, let’s look at the past decades, people have frequently used various mobile apps, but they are just the provider of data rather than the owner of value. This also means that people enjoy the convenience while losing the ownership of the data.


Metaverse can solve these pain points, it can take back people’s data assets from the Internet capitalists and Internet platforms, and these data assets will become one of the most important factors of production in the metaverse in the future, constantly obtaining production value and production factors from people’s behavior, which is also the most promising field in Internet in the next 10 years.

For this reason, The Battle of the Gods is staged in the metaverse. Whether the famous foreign social software like Facebook or the domestic internet platform like Tencent and Ali are forging into the Metaverse field. The X METAVERSE PRO is creating a new virtual world on the whole parallel universe, which will be closely related to people’s food, clothing, housing, food and entertainment, reconstructing the Internet while mapping the entity to the chain at the same time.

Nowadays, after 30 years of growth, the scale of users has peaked and user growth has hit a bottleneck. Numerous giants have formed a monopoly, and each of the major players is working on its own, forming data silos, and data cannot be interconnected, shared, or utilized in a timely manner, resulting in the value not being truly tapped out. This is one of the main factors limiting the development of the Internet for China and the world. Metaverse will completely change this situation and X METAVERSE PRO will be the pioneer in the industry.

So why do we need metaverse? The current Internet has long lacked breakthroughs in content carriers, methods of participation and interactivity, resulting in no growth point for Internet development. The emergence of metaverse has solved these pain points of the traditional Internet. In the world of metaverse, a series of emerging information technologies such as AR, XR, digital twin, blockchain and more are developing rapidly. Although we are currently in a bear market, the technical team is also actively developing, which is a good time for everyone to lay out.

According to Bloomberg data, the metaverse market size is expected to reach $800 billion in 2024. PWC data shows that the metaverse market size is expected to reach $467.4 billion in 2025. PWC predicts that the metaverse market size will reach $1.5 trillion in 2030. Many domestic and foreign companies and government levels have already laid out on various parts of the metaverse industry, and metaverse development is gradually gaining attention. Foreign Internet companies are the first to enter the industry, domestic Internet companies are following with heavy investment, and various governments, including the United States and Japan, have made metaverse a national strategy.

In this context, how X METAVERSE PRO Foundation was established? X METAVERSE PRO is a quality foundation gathered a team of talents from finance, technology, digital assets, cross-border payments and many other fields. The foundation is registered in Singapore, which provides friendly policies for blockchain. The foundation will recruit global talents, serve the global digital economy, and make a deep layout in the blockchain industry chain.

X METAVERSE PRO is a digital world space created by X METAVERSE Foundation with huge investment, which applies many latest cutting-edge technologies covering 5G, VR. AR, MR, brain-computer interface, blockchain, artificial intelligence and digital twin and more. Everyone can really get rid of the constraints of geographical location and physical space, and realize the digitalization in living, socializing and creative ways based on The digitization of assets and identity.

X METAVERSE PRO public chain also has its own token $XMETA, which is a token of open financial agreement formulated by decentralized autonomous organization XDAO based on blockchain smart contract. $XMETA obtains permanent agreement liquidity by issuing discounted vault bonds, aiming to give continuous dividend rewards for all LP holders on the chain to guarantee the growth of liquidity; meanwhile, $ XMETA pioneers the new PBC4.0+DEFI+WEB3.0+DAO pool play, and builds a double-loop and multi-incentive open ecological community network on the chain, and creates a Internet value transmission system combined with the fully open governance of the DAO community.

What is the role of $XMETA? First of all, we can get tokens through IDO donation, participate in early team building to get token incentive, and get airdrop reward by completing tasks or inviting, invite team members to participate in buying 50% off vault bonds to get mining rights, and get DAO pool node dividend income in the process of inviting. Members of the community participate in the X METAVERSE PRO ecological construction, then you can get the corresponding ecological application rights and interests.

In general, there are mainly four factors in $XMETA. The first one is the behaviour of all users and personnel involved in $XMETA, the second one is to quantify the contribution of all users, the third one is to obtain token, and the fourth one is to generate value. Let’s look at it again, X METAVERSE PRO is mainly composed of five core elements, which are DAO, the fourth generation public chain technology, metaverse DAO Alliance Currency Reserve, DeFi2.0 architecture, GameFi ecology.

The first is DAO, which is far superior to modern corporate system. In 1600, the first company in history, the British East India Company, was formally established, it has created the entire prosperous social form of our present day. But now the prosperous social system has entered a solid period, the strong will become stronger and the weak will become weaker. What’s more, by means of capital, technological barriers and information silos. the strong can make 90% of people unable to change their destiny.

To solve this phenomenon, X METAVERSE PRO emerged to make it possible for all the disadvantaged to reclaim their data value in this field. In this context, it is up to the DAO to drive the entire community, and everyone can govern this revolutionary and efficient ecosystem.

In short, with the continuous development of blockchain technology and the continuous update of the Internet, a more suitable form of institutional organization for the future, DAO, has emerged. The structural efficiency of DAO is revolutionary and important, unlike the traditional company system, as a digital native organization, DAO can infinitely expand and coordinate capital power and human power, share the value of the company to employees and users, and form A long-term incentive mechanism.

Next, let’s look at the second core element in X METAVERSE PRO, the four generation of public chain technology. Compared with the previous three generations of public chain technology, we take the three basic elements of Scalability, Security and Decentralization into consideration. Because neither public chain 1.0, 2.0, nor 3.0 can achieve the real balance of the three requirements, which is commonly known as “Blockchain Impossible Triangle” and “Blockchain Ternary Paradox”.

X METAVERSE PRO applies the fourth generation of public chain technology to challenge the “blockchain impossible triangle”, trying to break it and provide a better Web3 experience for developers and users. Under the fourth generation of public chain technology, X METAVERSE PRO and the metaverse DAO Alliance Currency Reserve Bureau function to provide a unique first gold standard-based stablecoin for the XMETA metaverse ecology, to de-dollarize, and to provide a way for XMETA metaverse residents to fight against the dollar crisis, fiat currency inflation, and economic depression, to maintain and increase asset value.

X METAVERSE PRO’s stablecoin strictly implements the gold standard currency system, each $XME is directly comparable to physical gold and can be freely exchanged with gold, and the affiliate vaults are located all over the world, like Singapore, Dubai , Switzerland and Chicago. The amount of reserves in the vaults is regulated by third-party institutions around the world and audited by four major auditing institutions (including Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers). The exchange ratio between XMETA and gold is benchmarked against the international gold price. (The value of the rise belongs to the market, the fall to determine the value of the international gold price, while you can exchange in the WEB3 Mall for goods with equivalent value against the international gold price). X METAVERSE PRO Alliance Reserve Bureau shareholders and managers are all DAO members.

In short, the RMB and USD that we are using today are issued by centralized organizations and can be controlled by people. This means it is fraught with uncertainty because human nature changes as the world changes. Once there are some uncontrollable factors in the social system, the organization issuing the currency has the right to keep issuing currency in order to protect its own interests, then the money in people’s hands will only become more and more devalued, and sooner or later the currency will return to the Brinton Woods system again, that is, pegged to gold. For this reason, X METAVERSE PRO took the lead in launching a digital revolution by pegging gold to the $XMETA token.

Then there is X METAVERSE PRO’s DeFi2.0 architecture. The first is the DeFi 1.0 dilemma, where the DeFi 1.0 project is still offering token for the purpose of “printing money”. The “mining structure” is always unsustainable for DeFi projects that don’t work out new solution in token distribution and community management. It will quickly enter a death spiral, making the liquidity of the platform unsustainable and even accelerating the demise of the project.

There are four advantages in X METAVERSE PRO’s DeFi 2.0: the first is to build a strong horizontal link and a strong vertical link between users; the second is to make the ecology more dynamic and driven, and to keep the liquidity pool active; the third is to give the power of ecological governance and decision-making to the members of the community, so that all decisions are made by all members; the fourth is to provide only decentralized financial services, which will attract global geeks to complete technological innovation ideas and burst more quality projects.

The fifth core element of X METAVERSE PRO is the GameFi ecology. In the development of blockchain industry, countless wealth myths have been born and countless ups and downs have occurred. Looking back at most blockchain projects, we will find that all of them cannot escape the challenge of “value bubble”. As the price of tokens was hyped too high, too many bubbles were formed and the projects were unable to carry them, which eventually led to their demise. In the blockchain industry, the game is regarded as the biggest application area and an important tipping point of blockchain. Using the GameFi ecology to consume tokens and set up a reward mechanism to buy NFT with tokens is a powerful tool to achieve “defoaming”. X METAVERSE will make new plays based on this, and everybody can have a try.

In addition, X METAVERSE PRO will also create a metaverse city cluster, which is the last pure city. In short, X METAVERSE PRO will create a decentralized virtual world of our own on the pbcs4.0 public chain, which will map the real world. More importantly, the Metaverse City will be governed by all residents, including setting the rules of behavior for the whole city. At the same time, Metaverse City will reconstruct the existing economic world, including land development, city construction, house building and more. X METAVERSE PRO will also co-brand with astronomers from the U.S. Observatory to build the real-world planet home.

Next are the five core values of X METAVERSE PRO, NFT confirmation and empowerment, NFT ecological value, right and benefit ownership in line with Web3 concept, Web3 eco-mall value, and self-dependent core technology value. We know that X METAVERSE PRO is committed to building a fully decentralized crypto asset based on metaverse ecology and WEB 3.0. $XMETA is a sustainable DeFi liquidity distribution protocol, the core of which is to create sustainable liquidity, not transient liquidity mining.

At the same time, $XMETA “steers” the distribution of liquidity through a decentralized approach. It adopts a more open approach to enhance capital utilization; a more low-risk approach to take deposits to obtain sufficient liquidity; and the introduction of multiple players (LPs and LDs) has also taken effect. The unique and novel economic model design enables the program to function properly over the long term.

In terms of NFT confirmation and empowerment, NFT is the gateway to the metaverse. As an immersive virtual space, the metaverse mirrors everyone and everything in the real world into the virtual world through digital means, so its core architecture lies in the role of carrying virtual identities and virtual assets. NFT (Non-fungible Token) represents a unique, non-replaceable asset that has become an important infrastructure of the metaverse with its unique and indivisible properties.

Each Non-fungible Token NFT represents a unique thing, and users can truly enjoy the exclusive digital ownership of Web3.0 through NFT. What’s more, the application of NFT can also be extended to the off-chain fields, providing a channel for real assets with unique attributes in the real world to be put on-chain and crypto confirmation, empowering the real economy. At present, X METAVERSE PRO has overturned the centralized operation mode and redefined the NFT trading platform with DAO decentralized approach and rules, providing a fair and equal factor for the total NFT value platform, aiming to create the foundation for XMETA NFT value prosperity.

In addition, X METAVERSE PRO complies with the Web3 concept of right and benefit ownership value and Web3 eco-mall value. By Web1.0, we mean “read-only” information display platform, like some news websites; Web2.0 is “interactive” content production network, like some forums, WeChat and QQ; while Web3.0 is a “decentralized” Internet form. The core of the Web3.0 era is decentralization, empowering users to truly own the Internet.

XMETAVERSE PRO completely conforms to the right and benefit ownership concept of Web 3, to return the data ownership to the users. In the XMETAVERSE PRO project, users have absolute autonomy, and the right to benefit from the data is also vested in the users, which is fully in line with the concept of WEB3.0, to return the values to users.

In addition, its eco-mall value depends on the redefinition and creation of a decentralized eco-mall under the DAO governance mechanism on XMETA public chain 4.0 infrastructure, thus solving the defect that blockchain cannot empower entities. The production relationship is innovated, merchants are both the providers of ecological products content and ecological builders, as well as the value owners. Merchants buying goods is also an investment, and how much the consumption is maps the contribution value of XMETA Metaverse Eco-Mall, which is its core concept.

At present, X METAVERSE PRO’s globalization nodes have covered North America, Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, the Middle East and more. X METAVERSE PRO has its own core technology, and has launched high-performance public chain supporting for high concurrency, with the advantages of anti-quantum and support for privacy computing. In terms of performance, XMETAVERSE PRO has a high degree of scalability and stronger security. At the same time, XMETAVERSE PRO will iterate and upgrade based on the traditional BFT (Byzantine-Fault-Tolerant) consensus mechanism, thereby improving transaction confirmation speed and blockchain stability. The rich on-chain ecosystem will further expand XMETAVERSE PRO’s development space to take the lead in the ever-changing Web3 world.

It’s worth mentioning that X METAVERSE PRO has its own core technology and a strong team. The core members of X METAVERSE PRO are from Stanford, Berkeley, MIT and other world’s most prestigious scientific research universities. They have more than 15 years of Internet and blockchain working experience, participated in Google’s top big data R&D projects, have rich development experience and academic attainments in the fields of data analysis, data mining, core architecture and more. They have a deep understanding of technical underpinnings, architecture design, risk control, and are proficient in various mainstream consensus algorithms; they are proficient in blockchain system programming languages. There are also blockchain technology experts, Internet experts, investors and investment advisors, who come from the core projects of top companies and are passionate and confident in blockchain technology.

Finally, I would like to say that the metaverse is a future worthy of everyone’s imagination. What is impossible at the moment will be possible in the metaverse world. X METAVERSE PRO will ride on the metaverse express! Thank you all.


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