Increase your Vitality with Vibes from Red Jasper

in #metaphysics7 years ago

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Red Jasper's Crystal Vibes ...

It Energizes, Vitalizes and Stabilizes your Energy Body

Working with your Root Chakra center to increase your life force energy and your connection with the Earth.

Key Words ~ Strength & Vitality
Chakra ~ 1st - Root, 2nd - Sacral
Element ~ Earth
Astrological Sign ~ Aries, Scorpio
Numerical Vibration ~ 6
Hardness ~ 6.5 - 7


"As I focus on enjoying my life, I am strengthened in my physical body & my stamina increases."

Aspects associated with the crystal

EMOTIONAL: Grounding, stability, oversensitive, balanced emotions, truthful to self, creative expressions. release sexual shame or quilt, sexual abuse or trauma.

PHYSICAL: Physical stamina, energizing, generate muscle tissue, low blood pressure, circulation, heart health, sexual drive, impotence, menstruation, dizziness, respiratory, vertigo, fetal health, stabilize pregnancy, stomach issues, overall good health.

SPIRITUAL: Grounding stone, awaken to the Kundalini energy in the spine, dream recall, higher awareness, manifesting creativity, sensuality.

Get connected with the Earths energy grid while increasing your creative and sexual energies at the same time. Explore your beliefs surrounding your sexuality and welcome the freedom Red Jasper can bring into your life.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Etsy Store - Sunscapes Soaps & Soaks
Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations


I love it this post, thanks for sharing with us. @sunscape have a wonderful day ♥

Thank you dear, enjoy the weekend.

Nice post, very tasty....thank u!

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Thank you, that is great to you put your own smile in? ;-)

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