The Energy Vortices of the Body Function as Portals

in #metaphysics6 years ago (edited)

There are several different systems to assess the energies of the body, all of the different mystery schools and paths of self mastery have a vernacular and virtual approximation of what this network is, and how it functions.

The energy system is very subtle, so if we maintain a gross or dense state perpetually our perception of it is always limited. This is why most knowledge systems talk about light, purification, and cleansing of the different bodies. It is only by following these kinds of practical and experiential procedures that we can open up the flow of energy and ignite the various energy centres. Each centre governs a kind of power or way of being, and this power can be expressed in a balanced way or in an imbalanced way. Certain centers have a great ability to balance the other centres, what I am talking about is the heart. We could equally start anywhere, but the heart seems to be the most gentle path requiring the least amount of potentially destructive intensity.


If an individual can inhabit a certain meditative quality in their life they will automatically begin to percieve life on the energetic level. To be continually in that meditative state it requires a balance of life forces that pass through the organism. Balance and channelling these forces allows us to manifest easily. If we don't balance them then they either produce nothing, or they create a destructive or life negative tendency.

Not many people are giving us the perspective that the energy cross points or vortices are actually portals which we can send our attention through into different dimensions. Practically speaking this means putting your attention to a part of the body, gross or subtle - and then energizing and empowering it. Some techniques require the looping or movement of energy from one part of the body to another. There is a simple kundalini meditation whereby the energy is moved from the tail bone, up the spine, out the head, then down back the front to the heart. Similarly others have used such a path way to utilize sexual energy through various stages of arousal and orgasm.

All bodily exercise excites the energy system, as well as pushing through stagnant emotions which are affecting the energy system. The best exercises to do are ones that are slow and meditative or require a deep focus that unifies the mind, the attention, and the body. Full immersion, and traversing through intense sensations help to reset the consciousness into a fresh mode. The fresher we feel and the more open and relaxed we are, then the easier the energy flows through us into the nodes or chakras that contain the portals.


Going through the heart portal is the most important and most realistic, and also the safest aim in terms of exploring this material. Because the heart is a nexus of all the different body energies, is has a unifying quality that maintains our higher consciousness. The tendency to divide by getting stuck in the mind is not compatible with heart based awareness. This is why it is a useful gate to ascertain what energy we are taking with us as we explore the other energy centres.

The third eye centre is a fascination for many people, and in recent times, and potentially all different times many individuals have reported a lot of different sensations and openings in this area. I have some personal experience with these sensations, with pressure, pain, tingling or throbbing in the centre of the forehead and into the skull and brain behind that area. I have learned to decode this as a message that this energy centre is active or has something to tell me. It can be an indication that the scene or imformation that you were contemplating prior to this happening is of some use, and you could give your attention to that.

The base (first) chakra and the relating (second) chakra feel quite related to me, they are deep and heavy and have a fiery earthiness to them. Having these centers aligned allows you to funnel a lot of power into the other centres. This is especially important if we want to manually open up energies that are blocked or have not been previously activated. The spinal channel is a conduit that spreads energy through the body and out into the universe.

Each chakra is a potential universe of its own, and holds the potential of relating to life in a completely unique way. By mastering these seven energies we can transfer and transform our lives into new dimensions.


By balancing our energies we can turn life into an effortless experience, life gives us the opportunities we need to conquer and transmute our own fears and poisonous mind frames. Ultimately this is what it comes down to. We need to do the looking inside necessary to unblock the natural state of being, and when that has been brought to fruition we can move into a simpler and more powerful intuitive way of being

Much Love to All Being
Philly See

(All Images photographed or created by me)


How have I missed that you are a yogi!!! Xxx a beautiful article. Looking forward to meditation later tonight.

Woohoo! I am looking forward to talking to you more about the yogic science :P

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