The Dance...OracleBlossoms {To New Beginnings)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #metaphysical7 years ago

An Invitation to all that are experiencing a new and exciting season, a birth or a rebirth, a change to make way for new things. You are invited to join me in spirit for a celebration, a ceremony of dance.

Image by Pinterest/ Dreamweaver MM

Your dance will be your own.

the way you set the atmosphere will be of your own choosing, and how you need to dance to express your gratitude for a new beginning will be shown you as you begin to just dance. Remember this is your private sacred moment for you alone or for whoever you choose to join you.

I dance because a new part of me has been revealed.

A new calling, Oracle Blossoms has been born. A new beginning that has come at my favorite time of the year, which is soon to arrive, the Autumn season.

Spring I love but it is Autumn when I truly come alive and experience a rebirth which is somewhat mystical and miraculous. My energy within me is at its highest of the year and so is my synergy my connection with the outside world.
And last but not least, my creativity flows deeply and consistently in this season and I celebrate it all. For these reasons, I enter into a ceremonial dance. Namaste, ~The Oracle of Met{t}a

The Oracle of Met{t}a... is seated in a lotus position
Sitting in the center of the room and in my center inner space, taking deep breaths to allow in more oxygen and energy.

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I the Oracle of Met{t}a

contemplates, the energy of my very soul; contemplates the synergy of my outward existence, the meta the physical, the crypto digital aspects of me, information downloading, uploading going out into the world while remaining on the blockchain forever more, I am in remembrance of why I am in this moment.

My heart leaps with joy as I feel this new birthing, a new beginning, a new path called oracle blossoms. I am in this moment, experiencing a new way to see life, and I see many opportunities to connect with and be of assistance to others, with whom I will soon begin to cross paths.

I laugh as I think about my flaws in all their beauty, and in the deep knowing that I am not perfect, I am not a monk or a guru. I am who I am. I accept me as I am, yet as I move and have my being,
I will continue to bring forth my very best. I will allow good, lovely, kind, beautiful things to flow from me and I will also allow truths, revelations to come forth as well.

Image courtesy of Soul Life Times Magazine

As I silence my mind, I allow stillness for moments in what we call time. In remembrance of who I was and who I am, before the world told me, (which was a program) who I should be.

Now I slowly rise, standing and stepping forth into all the newness that eagerly awaits me, eager to welcome and embrace me, eager to become one with me.

I continue to step forward and I yield my spirit as I begin to swirl in a circular motion
And as I do I feel weights falling, falling, I feel cords, bonds being broken that are no longer serving me, that cannot remain to walk with me. And to whom this message may apply, know that our journey and union are complete and now I speak, "this union shall be no more."

I move on to give thanks for nature as I dance.

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I give thanks for the water, the ocean, and the seas.

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I give thanks for all the elements, the energies.

And I give thanks for all that are celebrating simultaneously, in this moment as we all dance.

I take a step and then three more, moving into new spaces, places, my head moves in a circular rhythm as my body bows, to knees bending all in a rhythm.
I hear the drums that play the same beats as in the times of old, beats that has now been beckoned to my space in this reality.
I am now dancing in the full freedom of my existence in synergy with the drum.

Image courtesy of

And now I see a new life that unfolds, that is full of my true expression and my purpose still ongoing, on its journey to be fulfilled.
A see the timing of it all, which is the key. I see it as I move all over this space dancing, jumping, moving fast and moving slow, yet inwardly I remain at the center of my inner sacred space.

As the dance comes to an end and my movement, my steps slow down, I come to rest at the center of this outward space. Descending I rest back into sitting in lotus form. Now calling my energies back to me, in stillness, silence, and solitude, I rest...Namaste.

Cover image by NaturalAwakening Magazine


I love to dance and you will see that in many of my novels I have written, just found you and now following you as well

Oh, I am sending you hugs with stretched out arms in spirit, it is an honor to me you. Following you as well and I have not even laid eyes on your blog yet but I know with blogs and books I am already a fan.

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