Putting your foot in your mouth?

in #metaphor6 years ago (edited)

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Foot-and-mouth disease; a deadly virus found in cattle is not what what this quick blog is about. What I am referring to is the metaphorical verbal utterances that gets people in trouble. What is it with some day's? You go about your ordinary business and sometimes there is a common theme. I'm sure you guessed it by the title of this blog.

Is there something in the air?

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Whatever it was, I just kept on getting the strangest most inappropriate comments from at least four different people today. It's funny because the weekly partia is about the Metzorah or "leper" who spoke lashon harah (evil speech), and got punished for it with leprosy. Whatever it was, I'm not bothering to share what exactly was said, but more about how I'm dealing with it.

Rather than responding with any kind of anger, I just smiled and pretended like everything was completely normal. I know the people involved were attempting to be funny and would never want to be offensive. I out of all people can appreciate dank or dark humor. In any case a long walk and a blog post cures everything. Interesting start to the week is all I can say. The worst thing I could do is dwell on it after this point. My goal is to completely let it go and expect things to go back to normal next week.



i have to say putting your foot in your mouth is both gross and refreshing ;oP just kidding. Must have been one of those days.

The real world is always parallel to the weekly portion, it's amazing to synch up and see it...

And since this week is Netzach/endurance, that seems like a good goal!

Shavuah tov!~

Indeed it helps to let it go....a lesson that Thomas the train learned. We all can take the lesson. fun post. Thanks my friend @bearbear613

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