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RE: Punk gets harder, and embraces more distortion, still not caring about prowess... Hardcore [Metal Tree: 12]

in #metaltree8 years ago

<3 black flag and punk as a whole. I love pretty much any of the subgenres of punk and there are very few artists/groups I couldn't get into. Which brings me to the biggest BUT that I will bother formatting into a comment. There was approximately a 94% chance of me vomiting and just ending it all right now if I saw the words "straight edge" anywhere in there. I skimmed quick to make sure I didn't linger and possibly see them. "Never have I ever" met such a group of consistently ignorant and bigoted fucktards. I'm sure everyone knows that one cool straight edge guy. I think he's a poser and we are all sharing that one guy as our example twit from fuckville. Fuck straight edge and all the cunts going around bashing on EVERYTHING else and thinking they are hard asses because of their brain dead group mentality of fucktitude. Sorry I triggered myself, end rant. You can tell I really don't like something when I make up words.


Heheh.... I didn't have "straight edge" anywhere in there. :)

One of my best friends and his older brother were my roommates in early college. I also hung out with them in high school. His brother was way into punk and early industrial. They both would do the shave heads big full on 8 inch fins of mohawks and they often would be hanging with me when I was typically very long haired and often rocking a mullet. My hair at its longest was about midway down my back.

I actually had long hair like that for 13 years. I cut it the day before I went to interview for a job with IBM. I got the job. Two weeks later I was training a temp that had longer hair than what I had just cut. LOL. It's a strange world.

Anyway, I was exposed to punk a lot. It wasn't really my thing. I liked the attitude and the intensity. I however, was a guitar player and practicing a lot trying to get good, and MOST (there definitely are exceptions) punk is not at all impressive from the guitarist point of view. So IF the guitar were not a factor I likely would have been way more into them than I was. Instead Thrash Metal tended to be my thing at that time. Same intensity and mostly attitude, but it scratched my guitar itch quite well.

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