My Top 10 favorite Metal bands

in #metal8 years ago

This one is not for popularity...


This time I'll try not telling you my entire life story.


Before I Forget: Slipknot - Before I Forget: Slipknot - Before I Forget: Slipknot... But seriously, this band is truly unforgettable and I'm not talking, as most people would probably expect, about their theatrics & masks but about their sound and especially about Corey Taylor's voice which is quite unique in the metal scene.


If you insist on being charm by the typical darkish atmosphere usually associated with Heavy Metal since the pioneers that were Black Sabbath, Dimmu Borgir will get you satisfied with imagery but most importantly with great music.


One just cannot talk about Dimmu Borgir without talking about Cradle Of Filth, their black metal brethen. According to the Wikipedia article: The band's musical style evolved... to a cleaner and more "produced" amalgam of gothic metal, symphonic metal and other metal genres. Whatever... I've never been good with musical genres branding, because most of the times I listen to music with my heart not with my head!


When it comes to feelings, none know how to draw them from their audience like Evergrey. In other words, dreams and epicness at its best! To tell the truth, my discovery memory of their material is attached with remembering good times I had with a girl I met online and who I subsequently went to join in her hometown, two hours away from where I live. So my emotional attachment to their music might be bias after all.


The rare times I buy a music magazine, I always do so making sure there is a CD coming with it so that I can discover new stuff that I hadn't been expose to before. While those coming out from this discovery method are very few, I'm happy to say that Dark Tranquillity is among those unexpected gems found inside a printed monthly.


Do you like classical music? Do you love metal music? What about the two together, the first in structure, the second in style? There is no other like Children of Bodom, they reap this specific genre's fanbase. My criticism toward them: they tend to perpetuate the exact same style as the years go by.


Can't count the times I spent leaning close to the sound system speakers singing along some of Shadows Fall's songs. Does the work as far as the need for upbeat music goes. Even today, I still felt shivers when I pressed play.


If you have never heard of this iconic heavy metal band coming form Gothenburg, Sweden, then you are certainly not into headbanging music. Some see them as the fathers of melodic death metal. Yes it's catchy but you won't easily grow tired of listening to it. That is unless you put it to repeat all day long.


I've not seen many metal shows but Soilwork is a band I wouldn't have missed performing live for the world! Love all of what they do. The purists will always tell you, when it comes to this muscial group or any other you might think of that has an evolving career of multiple decades, that they prefer what they did at their beginnings and that they despise their new soften shit. Well, I say, too bad for those people who live in the past and their expectations of listening to the same album done so many times only with a couple of variants!


Less known but still great contributors to the melodic death metal swedish tradition, Darkane seduce with their additional mixed in elements of trash metal and symphony. Not a particularly enticing description, I know. Just listen to it, already. Then you tell me about it!

What should be the next My Top 10 favorite musical post?

You tell me!

  • My Top 10 favorite seventies songs?
  • My Top 10 favorite eighties songs?
  • My Top 10 favorite nineties songs?
  • My Top 10 favorite noughties songs?

And if you won't, no problem, I'll gladly be the judge myself!


Top ten songs ever. Nice picks on this one.

Almost perfect... I forgot to check that I wanted my rewards to be fully paid in Steem Power. Now it's too late even with the Edit option.

Hail Dimmu borgir!!!!!

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