(Something strange) The Temple Institute confirms: A red cow was born in Israel!😱

in #messiah6 years ago (edited)

The Temple Institute in Jerusalem confirms that on August 28 this year, A pure "red cow" was born
The first time since the days of the Second Temple and it may fulfill a biblical prophecy about the coming of the Messiah and the end of all days.

In order for the cow to fulfill the requirements of the prophecy, she must be completely red - something that expert rabbis confirmed! a few days after its birth.

If she will does not grow white or black hair, she will be declared the first red cow that born in 2,000 years in the Land of Israel - and will become a victim of the ashes to clean up impure people and build the Third Temple!@#...

According to prophecy, the birth and sacrifice of the red cow will advance the establishment of the Third Temple in Jerusalem, the coming of the Messiah, the resurrection of the dead and the great Day of Judgment - The Day of Judgment is the day which God will punish all sinners and sinners. Therefore, according to this belief, it will be a day of darkness and not of light, a day of terrible calamity.😱

This idea fits into the idea of the arrival of the Messiah (who is supposed to be the one who slaughters the Red Heifer), and the fifth day is considered "the ropes of the Messiah": the stage that precedes the coming of the messiah.



And the Israel scientists developed the genetic tec to rebuild the red cow (heifer). So, according to Aryeh Kaplan, this advances in the science are a part of the plan of the creation, so this genetic tec came first, to re-create the red heifer, to use their ashes to purify the impure, and to advance in the time of the Messiah, the redemption, and the construction of the 3rd Temple. A perfect plan, B"H!

thanks so much for the comment @matute8029 yes, this red cow is genetically engineered lol real plan we keep watching! all the best and shana tova gmar hatima tova friend!

Interesting story, I did not know it. I like to read you dear friend @headcorner
Good vibes.

thank you my dear friend! i love to see your photos too! you are a very very good photographer!

thanks for everything


But it doesn't need to come in a harsh way as you described, because there is also a sweet way, if only we'd keep a few mitzvot, and really try to unite in ahavat chinam...

This year Yisrael, please!!

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