Tarot Tuesday - Better Late Than Never...

in #mercury6 years ago (edited)

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So it's 3:33 am EST and I just realized I almost forgot posting for #tarottuesday! With my yoga teacher training in full swing now, all the homework from it, along with work on top of that - I have been finding time management a bit difficult these days. However, I didn't want to miss Tarot Tuesdays as I find the posts created very enlightening and really fun!

So I asked for the energies we would need to be on the lookout for in the month of April. The answer I received tells me that there is a communication breakdown that the collective has going on with someone in their life. Both parties are not speaking this month, perhaps because right now Mercury (the planet of intellect and communication) is debilitated in the sign of it's downfall Pisces AND just went retrograde!

Using the vedic astrology's sidereal zodiac, we see this retrograde motion of Mercury will end on April 15th - just in time to say hello to the IRS and goodbye to your money if you owe :) I did throw a few cards on the side just to see if this communication issue would end around mid month when Mercury turns direct, but I see that the entire month looks this way - so forewarned is forearmed, just be aware...


One person looks like they are very emotional about a lack of emotionality being shown on the part of the other and as a result are feeling left out in the cold and alienated. The emotional one feels like the situation is problematic as a result and they are quite upset. This person feels invisible and is having a hard time not feeling rejected by the lack of attention or focus being paid to them. They are too wrapped up in their emotions to consider why the other person isn't opening up. They are having a hard time controlling their inner emotional drama and may be acting out this month by severing communication with someone they feel is acting unfeeling.

The second person involved has decided to detach emotionally as a result (although they do have feelings here as we see in the choppy waters of the 2 of swords). They are doing this so they can comfortably sit in this stalemate while doing nothing. They seem to sense some drama from the other side of this equation and don't want any part of it. It looks like the second person involved has some apprehension about the situation and/or the person they are dealing with. This is why they have decided to play dead, deliberately not reacting to the emotionalism of the other. It looks like they do not take what is going on to be a good sign and so they are looking out for themselves, adopting a self-protective posture.

The top card is the card of advice, which made me smile :)
The powers that be suggest that doing absolutely nothing about this is the best way to handle the situation. No need to fret but instead enjoy the rest, relaxation, and downtime if you are the one who emotionally detached. If you happen to be the emotional, dramatic one - you will find this very hard to do so it's the perfect time to start practicing not allowing your emotions to rule you.

If you are the dramatic, emotional one or the disconnected, logical one the advice is the same. Smile, relax, and enjoy!



Thats an amusing ending to the reading... a happy person surrounded by blinking lights and booze. I can almost envision that as you after typing this post.

Consider taking a photo of yourself right now in front of 9 bottles of wine or 9 cups of water as a reminder of applying the advice. Haha.

Booze LOL I never thought of that!

Me either!

Amazing!! I have been both this month so far... right now I am detached but the emotional one is coming to visit me for 10 days and she is pissed!! Whew. I hope she gets over it. A few days ago when I was the emotional one - that’s exactly what I decided to “do” NOTHING because I figured everything would just go back to The way it was b4 Mercury RX - after ... if I stay out of the way

Yes it is happening all over it seems, myself included! I am glad you had the foresight to do nothing - it's the hardest thing to do sometimes :)

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