My mercury poisoning from dental amalgams which has massively shaped my life for the past decade

in #mercury7 years ago (edited)

xray.jpgI began experiencing symptoms of mercury poisoning at around the age of 16, quite early on after the initial placement of mercury into my still very young adolescent mouth. I don't remember when I first had these fillings of 50% mercury drilled into my jaw, but it was probably around the age of 14-15.

At the time I thought I was just a person who needed to have naps around the middle of the day, my friends at the time would, (as friends do) give me a bit of banter for doing so. I would always be going home around mid-day for a nap, "Joe's off for his nap again" they would say, I would laugh it off at the time.

I can only see the seriousness of what was happening at that time from my current perspective when I am able to look back with the knowledge I now have about what this toxic element can actually do, in my opinion, the toxicity of mercury is so significant on a persons organism that it should be banned without question right now, it is so incredibly toxic that it completely destroys a persons ability to feel normal.

Put it this way, I had all my amalgams taken out in 2011 and I did chelation for a few years not realising that I still had a tiny amount of amalgam underneath a composite which was prolonging my agony.

The reason I now understand the significance of such a small amount of amalgam left in the mouth is this, there is a well known phenomenon in the mercury detox/chelation community that is called a dump phase, this is a period in which the body dumps stored mercury out from the organs and is well known because of how it makes the person suffer, it lasts several months and is like being re-poisoned.

What is happening is that the body is creating an equilibrium, but this only happens, (and this is from many case studies) after the source of mercury is removed from the body, because if there is still mercury in the teeth, it is still leaking into the bloodstream and hence the dump never happens, because for the dump to happen it requires that the blood levels of mercury be gone, and guess what, 8 months after having this speck removed from my mouth, and after feeling the best I had for years, I entered a dump phase, it is like being re-poisoned, and on the positive is indicative that all mercury is now removed from my mouth, very positive! But at the same time you are about to go through hell.

I have included an xray of the mercury which was in my mouth and which, without being removed, would of prevented me regaining my health, look at the top row of teeth the second from the left, you can see the amalgam in relation to the other material around it.

I would now like to talk about the amount of terrible information online regarding the detoxification of mercury, from what I can see people are just repeating what they have read in some blog article and giving this advice out to others without considering the severity of the situation. Most people believe that taking cilantro, or coriander as we call it in the UK in conjunction with chlorella is a good method of detoxing mercury, this is complete nonsense.

The reason for this is very simple, let's look at this logically, we can all agree that mercury is very toxic, and hence we can agree that moving mercury around the body must be a bad idea, so therefore, in order to detox/chelate mercury we should try remove the mercury while minimising the moving around, or redistribution of this mercury.

So, we should definitely use precision when moving mercury around, and this is why using cilantro is a bad idea, the reason being that we don't know the half-life of cilantro, and also the potency can vary, which means that based on our previous logic we would probably move mercury around to a degree which could be preventable if we used a more precise chelator, such as alpha lipoic acid.

This is where Cutler Chelation comes in.

Cutler chelation works well because it reduces the movement of mercury around the body when undergoing the detoxification process. It involves using a chelator which has a known half-life, meaning we can use it precisely. The protocol has also evolved from trial and error, meaning that other people have made the mistakes so we don't have to.

What sounds safer to you? Taking a chelator such as Alpha Lipoic Acid or DMSA at 150mg once per day, this being a method which many doctors give out, or something similar? Or should we take a smaller dose of around 12mg of the chelator but rather than take it once per day, take it while respecting its half life, so every 3 hours, keeping the blood levels of the chelator more consistent and avoiding spikes of agents in the blood stream which move mercury around?

Well, this is what Cutler chelation is, and I really think we need more awareness of how we can heal these damaged children and these mercury poisoned people from amalgams, safely.

If you want to detoxify mercury safely then you should really look into cutler chelation, google it, look at the facebook group which now has over 24k members, look at the yahoo group. This method works, but it is not easy, no method of detoxing mercury is, it is probably the most difficult thing a person could go through to chelate mercury back to health, but doing it the wrong way, and this it the motivation for writing this post, could hurt you for a lifetime, you have already been poisoned and had your years stolen away from you, please don't make things ten times worse. And if you are a person who is flippantly giving out advice on detoxing mercury without knowing what you are talking about, stop it now, you are potentially ruining people's lifes through your ignorance.

Here is a link to the Cutler group


Thank you for sharing. I will be reading your article later. Poisoning from dental amalgam is one of the biggest culprit for the ill health of the industrialized world. I look forward to reading what you wrote. Take care!

thanks for stopping by

Awesome. I learned about this also. Had one amalgam removed from my mouth. Go to a holistic dentist now. Great post. Thanks.

Thanks for reading, I went to a normal dentist because I couldn't afford a holistic one. Glad you got yours taken out

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