Mutual understanding in family life. Building healthy relationships. From woman to woman.

The last time a lot of women come to me with the same and the same problem. They complain about the fact that a man does not work, does not provide, does not develop, does not act like a man. I'm tired of repeating everything one and the same, therefore, in this article I will tell everyone and immediately what to what and how to be. My colleague *** *** also brought some thoughts into this article, based on her own practice.
-This article is for you if:
-Your man does not make you an offer, although you have lived together for several years;
-Your man does not work and, judging by everything, does not plan to work;
-Your man complains, provoking you to take responsibility for decisions

Why is this so?
Vinovats in this situation, alas, not men, but we women. Of the generation we are potentially stronger than men, we have many times more psychic and vital energy. That, what happens with men, which are with us - this, in general, is our influence.

In a row with one woman, men become rich, row with other poor, with one thing goes to the mountain, and with the other a man loses his strength and sometimes even becomes imprinted.

consulted one girl, she had three serious relationships, and in all these relationships after a while, men lost patience, and their sex life ended in a complete.

And the other my client, only pobshchavshis with some man, gave him such a charge, that even a week everyone had to go to the mountain, despite the fact that this could not even be her partner.

All this depends on what a woman implements a man and how she acts with him!

In the webinar "Mystical Energy of a Woman" we analyzed 3 women's curses against a man, now I'm just short of them.

A woman destroys a man energetically when he gives him money. After this man is already very difficult to rehabilitate and become a normal man. I had about 500 clients, who sponsored their husbands and materially helped them - none of these situations did not end well. Men do not knowingly took revenge, humiliated, or turned into small children, who always need to keep up with new toys. Never give men money, nor husband, nor father, nor brother. Even if he is in a difficult situation, even if it's hard for him, let him be husband and choose himself. This will make him a man, not an energy invalid. Believe me, it will not end well !

*** *** also added:
"If you did give money to a man, then you must return it to you three (!!!) times more, then it does not destroy him as a man, and gives you a chance to develop yourself. Even his son, as only he was 18 years old, does not need money to give. Let him earn, let him search for the possibility. By this you can help him become a man, responsible for his life, and he will, in consequence, take responsibility and for his loved ones.

To the same look inside yourself and answer honestly on the question: "What do I feel when I give money to a man?", "Do I like this?", "Do I want to do this?". I am sure that most of you will be told that there is not. Because this is counterintuitive, when we give money to men, we have claims and aggression against them from one side, and this gives us ills, and with each other we leave our female nature, we lose ourselves and begin to hate ourselves, get angry with ourselves itself and in the end. In my practice there are very many cases, when it occurred in the same way, when the women came to me in a terrible condition. And all this because they decided to "be sorry" for their man, to make his life worse, to be good for him, to "save" him.

One day I started to meet with a young man, and he asked me to give him money. Suma was small, but I did not want to give it to her, but then I did not know all these laws, and I was not right to tell. I gave him this money and I could not see him any more, because I had lost respect for him, and respect - that's the basis of the relationship.

A woman gives an energy to a man so that he earns money, and this money is returned to her in the form of gifts and that which she will do pleasantly to her. Instead of dialing. "

The following curse:

A woman does not take anything from a man. Why is this a curse? Therefore, a woman is the personification of the material energy of welfare, to invest in it equally that to please the God of wealth and glory. When a man takes a woman something tangible, and she takes it lightly and gladly, but on the other hand, the exchange of energy takes place, and for the man opens a greater energy field for action and for the spells. But if a woman can not take it, say it or say "This is so expensive, it was not better to buy it", but he curses his blessing, and money will be turned off from a man (at least until he does not find a woman who is capable of taking )
So pay attention to your life. Do you accept gifts from men, even small ones? With an easy heart this happens? Do you feel well when you are given something?

"It's no secret that when a wife does not know how to take, a man takes the lover, who says to him, what she wants, and gladly accepts it. In such moments a man feels happy. Men love in women what they can give her. And if she does not take anything, then life becomes meaningless for them.

Therefore, it is necessary to expand its authorization system, it is necessary to learn how to hunt and accept what you want.

Another aspect of acceptance, when a woman takes it, but everything is small and small, it can not be anything else, it is insatiable. So doing does not make a man successful, it simply destroys him, that's why, even if he accepts, you remain inadequate. If you feel that this is before you, start every day to thank God for what he gives to you through your man, for the very smallness, say: "Now I feel the inappropriateness of what my husband does for me, but I would very much like to take all his gifts with ease, joy and goodness. " After some time, your condition will change. "

A woman pities a man. Pity is always a top-down position. We can only pity those who are in some way below us. When a woman pities a man, it humiliates him, deprives him of his belief in himself, in his strength. The more he he regrets, the greater the weakling he becomes. We may be sorry for the child, but sorry for the man - this is taboo. This simply means that you do not believe in it. And the normal man will be irritated and enraged when you try to regret it, and if a man has already fallen into infantilism, then he will gladly tell you about the knee and will tell you about how hard it is for him and how you need your help. If you need a little son - then keep moving in the same spirit.

My colleague's advice: "Understand that the" rescuer "lives in you, you like this role, but! This you activate the triangle - the victim-aggressor-rescuer, and get out of it very closely until those days, honestly do not admit to yourself why you are in it.

As my practice shows, women often participate in the role of the rescuer in order to attract a man, in order to be for the good, necessary, so that he can not be without her. As a result, the man simply stops to strain, and why? After all, he is the victim, who needs to be rescued, and the rescuer under his shoulder. Let him solve his problems. A woman, when she gets tired of dragging everything on herself, turns into an aggressor, and then a man looks for a rescuer on his own in the person of another woman or begins to drink. "

Having understood only these three points, you can already change a lot in your life and rehabilitate the relationships from patients to adequate ones, where there is a natural cosmological hierarchy.
And then the woman needs to show a character, her inner dark Goddess, who can say "no" to all man's manipulations and attempts to return everything to old places.
No, I will not give you money, because I strongly respect you and believe that you can do it yourself!

Afraid so to speak, the truth?
But it's more frightening when you always say "Yes, it's good," and the man poes to you with praises "You helped me, you saved me, save you!", After that, as he got out of the assets, he will not invest money in you, and in another woman, who did not see his weak, which did not rise above him, giving him money!
And this is very much, but we are vinovaty in it ourselves.

Go ahead…
I understand that the article is very painful, but it is better to get at it right away.
For example, you have figured out three curses, and the husband still does not strongly support you.

Let's see what you do!

If a woman is filled with fears and emotions, then she puts all this into a man, and he will be boxed at minimum speed or in general closed. Fear blocks the flow of energy.
Usually, such women are strongly clinging to stability, they are afraid of new projects of the husband, because they can not control this, and it is important for them that everything was predictable, understandable, and settled. The risk causes fear in them.
Think inside yourself ... What do you think about the work of the husband? Are you ready for it? To change jobs? To that, that he had his own deed? Or can it be somewhere inside you that you earn more than it, and it allows you to manage the situation? Be honest with yourself.

"One more important point here is that if you are satisfied with the situation of your husband now, and you do not want to move further, you have tried something new, because that may lead to instability, you are leading to degradation. As only a man stood at a stop, he begins to roll down. Understand this. Work on your fears and increase your development, even if it goes (and it sooner will be!) Through crises. "

If a woman is full of complaints, complaints, surrender, then it goes into the affairs of the man, and he begins to excuse state, government, bosses, and any surrender is an effective loss of energy, and that means that a man will never be able to build an empire on such energy. Cease to condemn and envy in the first turn, stop quarreling other people's priests even in your mind, get accustomed to the success of successful people and then your man will be filled with unavoidable energy.

If a woman is filled with empty thoughts about the past, empty conversations, then this emptyness imbues a man, and he is constantly trying to do some strange business, engaged in strange deeds, which they do not take anything, besides emptiness.

Your task is to completely eliminate the conflicts, to stop reminding him of everything where he has been guilty, oshibsya, etc. The past is no longer there, it is necessary to make out of it and go further. In your power to help yourself and the man to do the next thing with the platform, with which he will start a new start.

If a woman is filled with acceptance, pleasure and desires, she creates a huge field for the development of a man, because through her energy is materialized in money, which serves the realization of her desires. So a circle of energy! 😉 If there is no desire for a woman, which she wants to enjoy, there will be no money either.

I was advised several a few Vedic women, they had all the right, dedicated meal, prayers for her husband on Thursdays, a massage stop, all as full with the right humble mindset, but money was not. And for them it was not completely understood, each of them asked: "Why is this so? I'm doing everything right after all! ". The answer is simple and painful.
"You simply do not know how to enjoy, and you turned away from personal desires. Everything will be more or less equal in your family, but money will not be in such a situation, but internal dissatisfaction will make itself felt with time! ". That's all.

Unfortunately, many women do not correctly understand the Vedas, believing that a woman must refuse from their desires, only through her husband's desires. But this is not so, the Vedas do not say so. On the contrary, Vedic women are happy and beautiful, they want gifts and accept them. Look at the images of Vedic gods! What are they? What kind of energy is coming from them? I sense from them the energy of pleasure, they are desired for their men, because they have desires!

Only being full, a woman can whip up something, infuse another man and children, but if she herself is empty, but does not try to invest in a man - this is a big mistake that will lead to a tough crisis.

How many times have I heard this phrase:
"How can he do this, after what I had in him, as much as I did for him!"

In this key error of many women! Not in this man put, not for that did, other me.

You can not even imagine what "bear" service you give a man, when you are empty, invest in it! Little is it that you are destroying yourself, you are also destroying it.

What about all this?
How to change yourself, so that the relationship has changed qualitatively?

First, you need to understand that now you have a man whom you deserve. Your potential and the quality of energy is so right now that it can only attract such a type.
And the most important thing that you now need to do is to fully understand for yourself, do you want to change this or are you not ready for this?
Do you want other ratios and are you ready to produce a small revolution in yourself for this? And there will be named a revolution and a perfect end in itself!
Are you ready for the fact that your man will become a man in full understanding of this word?
Are you ready to live from day to day as a woman, and not as a slave and mother of your husband?
If yes, then be ready to accept the following information.

Henceforth, your attention should be focused on yourself, on your desires, on your needs, on your values.

Know what you really want from life.

How do you see yourself through the year? After 5 years? In 10?

How do you want to live? Also, as now, or otherwise?

Do you really believe in this man and in his success? Do you want to see it really successful?

Do you like it or do you live with it because of the fear of change and other life, the same quality?

Do you want to live with him all your life?

These are the choices of love and love or of fear? What kind of relationship do you want?

Ask yourself questions! Many questions and understand your desires!
No matter how behaved this husband (and rather all, he will rebel, get angry and try to get back to your attention), keep the inner core and remember about their desires.

As soon as you are dragged back, remember how you want to live.

Stop hoping for a husband and wait for a miracle. Live your life, invest in yourself more, take care of yourself, enjoy life as much as possible with ease and urgency. If your man is still able to be adequate, then with the time he joins you with joy, and will contribute to your happy life. Sign up for a dance, in a sausage, for a massage, go on a walk, meet with friends - fill yourself and your life with joy. Translate the focus of attention from her husband to her personal happiness!

Do not take offense at the husband and do not make claims. This is a dangerous trail. When we express conducive emotions to a man, we give him energy for that, that he has changed, and since a man refuses to change and react, we are energetically left tied to him, because that can not leave without compensated energy offenses. So relax. If your man does not do what you want, just stand up and do it yourself.

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