Don't Beat The Child Because You Can; What Leadership Is and How To Handle Power

in #mentorship7 years ago

Power is very intoxicating, very tempting, sometimes misleading and other times overwhelming. The taste of power is so sweet that those in it, do not want to let go of it. They enjoy every bit of it because they can shortcut some protocols and bend some rules. When a person gets hold of power, it gives the person some privileges.

Let me give you a very simple example of what power can do.

What do you think will happen if a first class Nigerian king takes alcohol and get filled, while he was still struggling with being tipsy, he saw a man and told his guard to behead him and bring his head in a very nice plate the next day before he wakes up. Either you like it or not, the head will be on the plate before the next day, although the king was talking under the influence of alcohol, the guards will not see it that way.

That is how far possessing power can be.

Power Possessors are Mostly Leaders

It is very rear to see a goat claim supremacy in the den of lions, it is not virtually impossible to see slaves imprison kings. This is just the right words to use. In most cases, in order to possess one form of authority or power, leadership is always involved.

A leader is meant to be a steward and a mentor, so in other to put things right, they have to possess a certain amount of authority and power.

Listening Is A Strong Attribute

Although leaders are given the power to make and take decisions, good leaders are meant to be naturally great listeners. Great leaders are not tyrants, they do not impose their views on others, rather they ask for opinions and help.

No one has a monopoly of good ideas

You are in power does not mean you are the best in your time or amongst your colleagues and subordinates.

Every Leader Is Answerable To An Higher Authority which Is Your Followers

You are the face your people know, and you are the one appointed to rule and lead them, but do not forget that either you are in a democratic or tyrannical community, you can rule over yourself, you cannot possess power over yourself. you need followers to stand firm.

Do Not Beat The Child Because You Can

This is just a sound note of warning and a call to leader all around the world to consider the fact that they are leading people and not themselves if there were no followers, there I will be no leader. A good leader is a leader that decides to spare a child because he sees the child changing and taking a new life for good, rather than beat the child consistently and allowing the child become adamant. A Good leader is a people's power leader and not a people oppressor leader.

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Nigerian politicians.. Learn from this. Nigerian leaders you are stewards that are to be held accountable by the citizens and not tin gods to be worshipped. Good one @gbenga

The Nigerian politician does not care about your opinion of his character. It is chop I chop, it is not that they don't know how leaders are to act.

They get to travel to foreign countries, they see how effective the systems are. In fact, they become lost in the numbers and are just a face. No power or official detail attached, just a face.

But then, they come back and lord their status over us. Why? Cos they paid their ways up there, and are not accountable to you or anyone.

Election would come next year, you would see how communities will vote massively for a particular candidate simply because money had gone round.

And so the cycle continues. It simple trade by barter, they getting what they paid for

That's the point, leaders are not gods or the almighty. They are stewards and should be held accountable by the citezen

Power among Africa Leaders is always intoxicating to them. That's why they find it very hard to step down from position leading to power tussle.
As d saying goes: when 2 elephants fight, d grass and the trees suffer

This has contributed to the many failed states in Africa

A good one... Power indeed is into

Thanks a lot. I'm glad to have you on my blog page.

Im Most gladen to follow you

As much as we blame the power possessors,there's a need to also allocate a portion of it to the many led ones who think being submissive implies being a doormat. Too many indiviaduals,for want of the crumbs that fall from these ones table,live basically as slaves of the power drunks. Sometimes,all that's needed is a bit of self-knowledge and esteem.

As much as we blame the power possessors,there's a need to also allocate a portion of it to the many led ones who think being submissive implies being a doormat. Too many indiviaduals,for want of the crumbs that fall from these ones table,live basically as slaves of the power drunks. Sometimes,all that's needed is a bit of self-knowledge and esteem.

I couldn't agree less with you, you just hit the nail on the head.

Some leaders who just have the mere privilege of leading tend to forget they are to speak and work in favour of their followers but rather derive pleasure in oppressing them. Well destiny always have a way of rewarding them.

As for the kids, people always think the best way of correcting them is using the rod but personally, I've come to realise that kind words of correction and encouragement influences them physcologically and mentally...

Great post @gbenga

Thanks a lot for contributing. I'm glad you shared with us.

You welcome. I appreciate..

This is very insightful! I usually say that being a leader is no child's play, no matter the capacity it is because whether you like it or not you are impacting lives so its left to you to do so positively or negatively

You just made a brilliant point which I agree with. Thanks a lot

Awesome post

thanks a lot

If there were no followers, then their would be no leaders. I wish all our leaders, I mean all people in power should know this , they have been put in those positions to serve us not themselves
Listening is a strong attribute. I love this point . We are no monopoly of idea, listening from our subordinates does not make us weak rather gives us more ideas to choose from
Awesome post in all

Thanks @promize123 for your contribution. Leadership is service and stewardship and not tyranny

Great leaders are not tyrants, they do not impose their views on others, rather they ask for opinions and help.

Yes, show me a great wise leader and I'll show you a humble and a good listener.

Nice one brother.

Thanks a lot my friend. The good leader is a good listener with wise companies of people

yh power is realy intoxicating. thats why we need leaders and not rulers. leaders that understand they are no better than their followers, they are only in position for order. No human is superior to the other. thanks @gbenga, nice post.

thats why we need leaders and not rulers.

We need to start learning leadership trait from the grass root, so when we get to the top, leading will not be an issue.

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