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RE: Improving Retention on steemit - Exploring ideas for a Mentoring System

in #mentoring7 years ago

I have talked to some of them and they have been scared off with the recent flag situation. The fact that if a whale finds their posts and upvotes it and someone thinks it is not worthy of that amount and flags it. Some of them told me that with taking the time to write good content and to see very little rewards it was not worth the time they put in it. I have not seen some of the normal people making posts that were at one time, not even making comments. These are real problems and it is pushing people from Steemit I am afraid.


I agree @basicstoliving the flags are driving folks from posting, I got hit with one tonight, and I am not a main blogger here.

I saw that! You even ask them why they flagged you. No response?

Nope no response. Makes you really wonder just how free we are to speak the truth here.

Some people don't like very short posts that don't really share any information, because they feel it comes across as spam. I'm not saying I agree with their flag, but that's how some people think here. (My conclusion after reading the post they flagged.)

See that is one of the reason I see many not postings, all the bots and people that folks are not willing to kiss their buns to post a 15 page dissertation for fear you get flagged.

True, I believe there needs to be some type of moderation for flagging. Even if it's not by a human. Perhaps a lowering of post rewards not by SP, but by the percentage of down votes. (ie. if multiple people think the post is spam then rewards would be removed, but not by just one vengeful person.)

Have you looked at the account it came from? I'm not sure if it's a joke, because they're asking for payment to downvote. It's odd.

So why hit me I am small fish.

I didn't know you were getting flagged weetree :O You are one of the most helpful people here, that's crazy...

After a year of hell it makes me wonder if I want to stay.

Who knows. Makes no sense to me. Hopefully it's just a one off. You'd think a flag would come with a reasonable explanation as to why, but for some I guess it's because they can.

It's definitely a deterrent when you have to be afraid that if you disagree with someone you could get into a flag war that could ruin your account. That's pretty scary for a lot of people.

See I have never used the flag, I do the adult thing and just move on but now wonder if that is a good solution.

I typically move on as well. Sometimes I will flag if a post is blatant spam or I know they have plagiarized it from somebody else.

Forgive my ignorance. I get that getting flagged is a bad thing, but what exactly does it mean for the flagged post or author?

Your reputation will be reduced and if you've earned anything from upvotes it will decrease. It depends on how much Steem Power the flagger has as to how much it goes down, so a flag from a newbie will have less affect than one from a big account.

Annnnnnd if somebody with a lot of SP decides they hate you for whatever reason you're in for a really bad time. :-(

^^^^That is the truth!

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