You think Trudeau is only good and Trump is only bad, but what about……?

in #mentalhealth8 years ago

“To be consciously on your life purpose is to be blessed with grace and certainty!”
– John Demartini author

“But, the truth is…I’m very dissatisfied!”

Uriah worked for her Mom, who was an experienced business woman with a couple of successful fast food franchises. Uriah had bright, red hair, cut short. She came dressed to the nines with accessories reflecting a taste for the very best. She projected an energetic, enthusiastic image with a closeness to her innate creativity others, I suspected, would envy.

Uriah was just turning thirty five, had a strong relationship with her partner, Urban, and a secure future within her Mom’s business interests. She was already VP of operations and was probably headed for the CEO position. Uriah had studied business in school and completed her MBA with an entrepreneurship focus.

She showed all the usual signs of success with self confidence, a bright career path, classy clothes, a friendly manner, stable relationships and a healthy vitality. I was wondering what was missing here, so I asked her.

“Uriah, it sounds like you’re doing well in your life, what motivated you to call me?”

“Ken, my closest friend, Ursula, said the same thing just the other day. She said I had the world by the tail and there was no reason, she could see, how I could be dissatisfied. But, the truth is…I’m very dissatisfied! I feel like I’m just spinning my wheels…and my car is going nowhere!” she replied, so exasperated her face flushed and her eyes watered.

“…I’m just going through the motions.”

“What’s missing for you, Uriah?”

She paused briefly, then replied, “Ken, I know I have lots to be thankful for but when I’m just with me, just in my own head…I know something’s missing. It’s like my spirit and enthusiasm is not really there, I’m just going through the motions.”

“Would you go to one of those moments and tell me about it, Uriah?”

“It happens most mornings when I wake up. Like this morning, I was up at seven having my coffee and feeling deflated, spiritless and thinking I don’t want to go into the office today.”

“Where do you want to go instead?” I asked, having learned we usually know what inspires us, but often hesitate to share it.

“I certainly know what I don’t want…and that is the franchise business. With all due respect to my Mom and her business dream…it’s not my dream!” she replied raising her voice in frustration.

“So, you think you’ve been building your Mom’s dream, not yours?”

“Yes, exactly! I love my Mom and she’s good at what she does. But, I feel hooked into her dream while I avoid my own!”

“ Have you ever had that kind of in-spiritual experience, Uriah?”

“What’s your dream, Uriah? What do you need to be doing to be OK with yourself?”

“That’s the problem, Ken! I really don’t know! I just seem to notice what it isn’t.” she said, her frustration evident again.

“Can I offer you a couple of ideas to help you discover it?”

“Sure!” she said.

“When an individual is doing what they are supposed to be doing, often called being purposeful, their sense of time and space collapse into a state of gratitude which is sometimes called, presence or inspiration. It’s like they don’t notice the passage of time or even where they are because the activity is so fulfilling for them. Have you ever had that kind of in-spiritual experience, Uriah?”

“I have but it wasn’t when I was working at a job of any kind. Does that matter, Ken?”

“It may not have been part of work or a job you’ve had. It’s really an activity of any kind where you were so engrossed, so inspired you ignored the time and your location during those moments of doing it.” I replied.

“That sounds like when I’m at the gym.”

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