Once Upon A Time...

in #mentalhealth6 years ago (edited)

Once Upon A Time...


... when a person would walk around their neighborhood screaming that they were the "Queen of England," or something nutty like that, we would diagnose them with 'paranoid schizophrenia' and get them the proper treatment. Nowadays we have people wearing 'pussy' costumes, setting themselves on fire to protest 'global warming,' politicians claiming that Republicans want to put black people back in chains so they won't be able to vote anymore (Joe Biden), we have other politicians claiming to have seen swastikas at Tea Party rallies (Nancy Pelosi), we have other politicians outwardly claiming that Christians cannot be fair-minded (Corey Booker), we have comedians holding up a decapitated bloody head of our president or fake pissing on his Hollywood star in the middle of the street, other late night comedians outwardly hoping for a recession to oust the current president, and the list goes on.


Plus we have an LGBT movement that says if a boy wants to cut off his genitals before he hits puberty because he feels like a girl that we should load him up with drugs and perform surgery. And if you state that maybe perhaps could be that he is mentally ill and should get checked by a shrink or something first, and then get proper treatment, well then you are WORSE THAN HITLER. Thank you Britta Perry.


We have mass confusion about bathrooms and who can use which ones. We have sexually ambiguous people telling us what pronouns we are permitted to use BY LAW and also that we are not allowed to assume their gender.


Still others are continuing to point to the invisible forces in the sky that are perpetuating the myth about a nonexistent pay gap between men and women, some existential force that is keeping blacks from succeeding, some illuminati group comprised of cigar smoking white males that is separating illegal immigrant children from their parents, and the list goes on.


Who would argue against the fact that there sure seems to be an all time high of effed up people out there? My contention is that rather than properly diagnose, treat, and lock up the loonies, we would rather allow them to run for office, and dictate societal mores and norms to us. WHY? Who decided it was okay for the clowns to run the circus? I for one think we need to bring back paranoid schizophrenia to the surface of the public conscience, and build more mental hospitals. Who's with me?


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