A Life Worth Living: How to Thrive with Mental Illness

in #mental2 years ago

Mental health is no joke. It can affect anyone at any time, and it can have a huge impact on your life and productivity if you aren’t prepared to deal with it. Luckily, there are lots of ways you can improve your mental health if you’re suffering from an illness like depression or anxiety, which can be tackled with the right amount of awareness and patience. Here are some tips on how to thrive with mental illness, so you can have the life you deserve no matter what challenges come your way.

Most Important Thing Is Getting Help
If you’re struggling with a mental illness, you may feel hopeless and alone—especially if no one else in your life seems to understand what you’re going through. But there are resources out there for people living with mental illness. There are many great communities on social media for those who are suffering from depression or other forms of mental illness; I know from personal experience that having an outlet to talk about our struggles helps us heal faster and more thoroughly. https://cdnflyer.com/srv.html?id=5512618&pub=2012506

Education Is Key
The good news is that there are ways for you to cope and thrive when living with a mental illness. Learning about mental health, seeking out counseling and therapy, and taking medications as prescribed are all things that can help put you on a path towards an emotionally healthy life. Make time for these activities in your life. Read more books on mental health.

Little Things Matter
Taking care of yourself is important, but it can be easy to miss out on some of these opportunities when you’re sick or dealing with mental illness. Making sure you’re sleeping enough, eating right and exercising are crucial for your overall health, both mentally and physically. It might seem like an obvious point, but don’t forget about little things that may improve your day-to-day experience.

Befriend People Who Care
When you’re battling depression, it can be difficult to make it through a day—let alone form friendships. But getting out and socializing can actually boost your mood (and possibly even help you feel less alone). It sounds counterintuitive, but living with mental illness doesn’t mean you have to live isolated from society; on the contrary, maintaining relationships is one of your best chances at leading a fulfilling life. So get yourself out there!

Research studies show that exercise can help those suffering from a mental illness. Talk to your doctor about what type of exercise would be right for you. The best types of exercise are those that allow you to enjoy being outside in nature, such as walking or hiking. You may also want to try yoga, which teaches you how to maintain control over your mind and body. Yoga has been shown in studies to reduce stress, anxiety and depression—the symptoms most commonly associated with mental illness.

Know Your Triggers
We’re all aware of certain things that set us off, but that doesn’t mean we have to be ruled by them. Everyone has their triggers, but once you identify yours and understand what prompts your mental health crisis, you can find ways to circumvent it. For example, if an argument on TV gets you so riled up that it puts you in a bad mood for days, shut off your television when something upsetting comes on.

Take Breaks
Although we tend to associate mental health with severe disorders like schizophrenia and clinical depression, there are many other mental illnesses that can affect our wellbeing. These include things like OCD, PTSD, borderline personality disorder, eating disorders and addiction. And while it is important for those suffering from these conditions to seek professional treatment, it is also important for us all to take time out of our daily lives to ensure we are taking care of ourselves mentally. https://cdnflyer.com/srv.html?id=5512618&pub=2012506

Make Peace With Death
Mental illness is still seen as a social stigma. We have yet to understand mental health in a way that’s comparable to physical health. Even now, people who live with mental illnesses are often met with confusion and disbelief when they try to explain what they’re going through. And, unfortunately, suicide is common among those diagnosed—around 20 percent of them attempt it at least once over their lifetimes. https://cdnflyer.com/srv.html?id=5512618&pub=2012506

Be Honest With Yourself
The first step in healing from mental illness is recognizing that you need help. Don’t feel ashamed about that. Seek therapy and talk about your problems—and don’t be afraid of what others will think about it. The stigma attached to getting help for mental illness is mostly in our heads, so don’t buy into it! https://cdnflyer.com/srv.html?id=5512618&pub=2012506

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