Bell Let’s Talk
Bell Let’s Talk! The man who I once called my little brother who everyone called a junior J. Dilla nicknamed after the late great J.Dilla disappeared on me days before my college graduation in 2016. Months prior to his disappearance I tried to get him to open up to me and tell me what was going on. One day he cussed me out and told me to concentrate on myself. I prayed for him with tears in my eyes everyday for a year after his disappearance. I tried to respect my brother’s Chris’s wishes and not contact his family for a year. My fear over took my mind in 2017 and someone who I was close to me told me contact his family to see where he is. I found out he’s an alcoholic and homeless on the streets. He was dealing depression. I now have my eyes wide open and I try my best to encourage people to open up to me or someone they trust. Sometimes you can make a difference and change a person’s life, just by lending your hand and opening your ears to listen and being there for that person. He once told me that I inspired him to write real rap that come from the heart. Today, I pray that Chris gets the help he needs to get better and come back home to his family and son.