How To Talk To Someone Who's Suicidal

in #mental6 years ago



Remember that suicidal people are not rational. Suicidal people left rationality behind a long time ago. Trying to reason with a suicidal person will get you nowhere. You will not be able to reason a suicidal person out of suicide.

And that’s okay. No one is rational in the face of that kind of pain. The pain a suicidal person feels is agonizing. It’s suffocating, the same way the vast emptiness of space is suffocating. So don’t try to reason them out of it. Chances are, they already know it’s irrational.

Tell them it’s all right that they feel this way, even though it is irrational. Tell them you’re sorry they’re in so much pain they can’t think clearly. Tell them they don’t need to worry about thinking clearly just yet because you’re here to help.


Remember that their suicidal feelings are not your fault. You didn’t cause their depression. Depression is in the brain of the sufferer, not your words. They didn’t choose to talk to you about your depression as an accusation.

Quite the opposite. They chose to talk to you about their depression because they think you can help. They see you as one of the very few forces for good in their very dark life.

Tell them that they did the right thing coming to talk to you. Tell them that you are, in fact, a good thing in their life.


Remember that suicidal people are not selfish. Sometimes ignorant people call suicidal behavior attention seeking. It usually is (to some degree). This is a good thing. Suicidal people are in trouble and need help. It is not selfish to ask for help when you need help. Don’t hesitate to give it to them.

Suicidal people are usually the opposite of selfish. They are so selfless that they do not want to ask for even a small amount of help, even when they need it desperately. Suicidal people often feel guilty for seeking out help. Suicidal people often feel ashamed of their feelings, which is why they do not get help sooner. It took courage for them to reach out to you. Reward their courage with as much attention as they want.

Tell them that you are not judging them. Tell them that you do not think they are selfish. Tell them that you think they are very strong. Tell them that you are proud of them for coming to talk to you. Tell them that you are happy to give them as much attention as they want.


Remember that suicidal people want to live. The reason they are suicidal is that they do not have the tools they need to cope with their pain. They are suicidal because they see no way out of the pain. If they did, they would not be suicidal.

Suicidal people are looking for help dealing with their feelings. While you can’t make their problems go away, you can help by being there for them. This gives them the strength they need to deal with their pain.

Tell them that you are right here beside them, whatever they are feeling. Tell them that you are here to help with the weight however possible. Ask them if there is a way you can help them carry the weight.


Remember that suicidal people feel alone. Ignorant people stigmatize depression in America, in western nations, and around the world. Because ignorant people stigmatize depression, when suicidal people ask for help, they are often met with mockery and dismissal. This makes suicidal people feel even worse.

Suicidal people know this. It takes courage for them to ask for help. When suicidal people approach you, the thought that you will mock dismiss them terrifies them. Even if you don't mock or dismiss them, suicidal people are terrified you will have one or two conversations with them, and then forget all about it. Therefore, helping a suicidal person is not as easy as having one or two conversations. Helping a suicidal person is an ongoing commitment.

Tell them you are willing to help them as long as they need. Tell them that you can check up on them as often as they want. Ask them if there is a certain way they would like you to check up on them, like a text every day or a call once a week.

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Photo by Tom Pumford on Unsplash.

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