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RE: At what point is a person with mental illness still responsible for their choices?

in #mental7 years ago

I missed this as I have been dealing with my own sister being diagnosed as Manic Deppressed, she hit a manic phase after the stresses of life overwhelmed her combined with antibiotics. She has four kids and a husband who's a nice guy, but useless. She's been in the hospital for the last month, dredging up family history and lashing out at those who wish to help. It's hard not to be angry, upset, but the only thing that will bring her back is time, patience and medication. Compassion. If you were in those deranged shoes, would you want sympathy or just understanding?


I understand, man. Does she want to be helped? Does she recognize she is mentally sick? My sister doesn't and she refuses any help. It's awful for the relatives. I am so fed up of her throwing shit at me and at our family. It is too easy to blame her selfish and nasty behaviour on her illness

It's true that they have to own and acknowledge the problem for help. Here, one can be commited to psychiatric care, and either choose to work on getting better or stay locked up in the psych ward. My sis is on weekend releases now and is getting better. Every situation is different, hope yours finds a live able resolution.

I think there are situations where the "subject" can't be forced to be "locaked in a psyc ward, because she is not dangerous for others and for her self and she is not completely crazy, and she choose to not commit to psychiatric care. That is the situation of my sister and she is not getting any better and she is already 36. Our family feels pretty hopeless about it.

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