
in #mental5 years ago

I've been feeling a bit weird lately, I like to blame it on overactivity only or burning out but I am not sure if that's what it is. It's not a surprise though that it has felt as if the lower the price of Steem gets the more weight is placed upon each still active Steemian to stay active and try and help get this platform out there to the eyes of newcomers who may never have heard of it due to the lack of marketing over the years. It's kind of a weird feeling, even though general attitude here follows the price as that's something we tend to do as humans at the same time it feels as though many forget all the other benefits of our blockchain without thinking of the earning aspect.

It feels as though if we could just grab the attention of many for just five minutes to let them know what we have here, what exists, how it helps them when they are facing problems on centralized platforms without the security of math on their side keeping them safe - most would jump to the opportunity to start their Steem journey no matter if it's going to $100 or $0. Obviously the price is never going to $0 as long as the chain has active witnesses and keeps producing blocks, the Steemit team has done a good job to keep the costs of running this infrastructure as low as possible. Without a doubt the price is being suppressed either by people wanting out, not trusting that this will go anywhere anymore and wanting a "reset" in another chain, on top of that the obvious leaks we've always had where downvotes cost to be used against abusive stake that brings close to no value to our chain and content consumers and those rewards will keep being sold no matter the price and to finish it off the stake that Steemit has to dump for their own costs.


Steem is quite unique in many ways, not just cause of the SBD aspect which is another layer that at these times adds extra sell pressure to the price of Steem when authors aren't getting rewarded in SBD anymore so they sell their Steem instead. It has a very effective double edged sword system where when things are going right all things build up together and stack on top of eachother to reach all time highs of epic proportions, but when the speculative money starts to disappear and the general crypto markets are all in downtrend it stacks the opposite way where most things work against the price and multiply that by a huge factor instead. If anything is to be said about the future outlook is that there are a lot more active users here today than there were last all time low and on top of that there are so many more accounts that have been created and due to their importance of keeping the keys safe and secure I am sure that many of those currently inactive users will quickly find their keys again once Steem starts to make some noise on the markets again. All it needs is a couple big pumps which in this day and age doesn't even require a lot of money. Another positive thing to this bear market compared to the last one is that the average volume (even though it looks low compared to many other coins) is relatively higher than it was pre-2018.

There is so much going on here and so many projects with a lot of potential continuing to work and being started even at these prices it is difficult to understand how the prices can be this low and it is not great for morale but once you've seen this happen a few times you start to understand that this is just how the crypto world works. I am personally really looking forward to the changes with HF21 and am hopeful that we as a community will work together to patch up these leaks that we have been plagued with for so long. Last positive thing I can say is that it can not get much worse than what we've had going on for the past few years when it comes to the EIP so let's see how this goes and try to make the most of it.

And lastly, to get back to my title, I think I'm going to take a short break from my daily responsibilities on Steem, focus on myself for a while, maybe post more to make the most out of the last few weeks of 75/25 (:P), mainly just to feel a bit more refreshed in preparation for HF21 as I will be trying my best with what's in my power to improve Steem with curation, downvotes, onboarding and this other secret project we've yet to announce.

Thanks for reading and to all my followers that have stuck with Steem through thick and thin, although we are decimated in amount right now I have faith in you that you will be doing a lot better with the new EIP than past accounts that are not here today would have done in your shoes. Although I am a bit tired of the general complaining and whining and feeling a little bit like "these people don't even deserve a pump of price", I still believe that Steem is much bigger than all of us and if anything all the people that aren't here yet and don't know about Steem are the ones that will deserve this project to see the light of day and I am looking forward to welcome them with open arms and make sure their Steem journey is as pleasant as it can be.


You certainly deserve and should take a break from time to time. I've only been on this platform for one and a half year and I notice that there are not many good people around who look out for others. Less even those who are good and stick around, most of us become jaded and disillusioned and or quit.

That's also the reason why I think the good ones who are still here and fighting the good fight are awesome =).

Have a nice break
and Kit Kat (つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ

There are some amazing people. Probably all the ones that are inactive a bit has kept you from seeing it. There are people here helping people survive in third world countries. There are people that have helped people afford medical. Part of why so many believe in this place is the idea that it might reward artists for the work they do every day. I don't know how helping a third world child get paid for making the art they love doesn't make someone a good person.

It definitely is time for some self-care. Some days I feel burned out too, but every time I take a walk outside and zoom out and look at it from that perspective I can't feel anything else but admiration and respect for this invention called Steem.

So I keep on going.

As will you - since I'm working in OCD I can see even better how passionate and involved you are with Steem - kuddos for all that you do.

Now go take a rest and shitpost your way through the last days of the 75/25 era - will we reminisce about 'the good old times' in a few months or look back appalled by how stupid we were to think we had it good? :D

all the people that aren't here yet and don't know about Steem are the ones that will deserve this project to see the light of day

While we talk about onboarding the masses to benefit Steem, we tend to forget how Steem is going to benefit them.

Get some rest, there will be plenty of drama waiting in 12 days

Hang in there @acidyo Sometimes it is good to take a break, step back look at the bigger picture and get re-inspired. This is the cycle of crypto, and can be exhausting going from the highs to the lows and back again. Anyhow, take care.

Never a bad plan to step back and rejuvenate.

Posted using Partiko Android

Your title and that image says it all doesn’t it? I saw it and am like ”yep, I know where this is going” and sure enough acid needs some acid time.

I think it’s important to design life in the way we would like it to be and sometimes that gets derailed by commitment to work, family, relationships, finances...steem etc.

Taking time to look after oneself, to recharge or just find some peace is vital. We only get one turn on this ride we call life. Best make it a good one.

Even the fastest Formula 1 car has to pull into the pits for service at some point.

Enjoy your short break.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Breaks are good. Look after yourself, cid <3

.... and somehow this reminds me that my last post was 7 days ago, and i should try to at least post once a week...... specially before hf21.... ghhhh drags self to draw sommit


Go spidey go! Don't push yourself too hard either though

Steem is definitely bigger than all of us ! It is way ahead of its time if you ask me. Stable coin, stake /delegation features , social media. It’s obvious other projects have taken pages out of steem’s book. The only thing steem doesn’t have is the price action and I feel that’s good as the current development is taking place under the radar and then BOOM!

I have come to the conclusion that people don’t invest in projects per say, they invest in the people behind it , they clearly see who is behind EOS , ETH and tron ... here, the investors aren’t sure.

Take that break and enjoy :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think many of us feel exactly the same way of our past, present, and even future here! As many say, if it was easy, everyone would do it but we are still early adopters in this journey to really create value for our attention like we deserve as a community.

Right before reading this, I got off the phone with @lovejoy and my friend @thomaskuntzart, and echoes many of the same sentiments. I JUST bought $1000 of STEEM at $0.20, entirely sure this couldn’t be a bad decision, and I’m reeling from the new low as of today. I’m not worried, though. One thing you mentioned that I’ve felt for a while now is it can’t get much worse. That’s problematic for onboarding new users and generating enthusiasm, but for those of us that’ve stayed active and vigilant, it’s easy to see an upside. Development is busy and the new STEEM team is really firing on all pistons.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63792.82
ETH 2563.50
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66