How to Stop Felling Emotional Pain

in #mental-health8 years ago

Human beings fell emotional pain under only one circumstance, it is when we lose something.

Like when you lose a sum of money, someone close to you dies, you get fired or end a relationship. This all things have on fact in common is the lose of security. For which your body is giving you feedback with emotional pain.

Lackely we are pretty resilient organism so we have the capacity to heal. Like a physical wound on your body that goes through different healing stages, for example forming the crust to seal the wound and stop further blood loss, the activation of your immune system to kill all bacteria and viruses that enter your body, the regeneration of new tissue true cell division. There is a process that will take a lengthy period of time depending on the severity of the injury. The same happenes with your emotions through the process of grief that is compose out of five stages: denial, anger, negotiation, depression and acceptance.

But what if you have chronic emotional pain that last sometimes even for decades? This happens because there is a constant process of reinjury. If you are making a sandwich every morning and you cut your fingers while cutting the bread, that wound would heal in few days, however if the next morning you cut yourself in the same place not only that wound will never heal but will get worst.

I find the same to be valid when it comes to emotions because you suppress your emotions, people can exploit you for their own agenda so you end up sabotaging yourself every day which leads to chronic lose which in fond leads to chronic emotional pain.


And by expression i don't mean an emotional catharsis like bunching a pillow or crying this will only lead to temporary relief, but don't address the actually problem. The key emotion in stopping others from miss using you is anger. If you express anger when someone attempts to abuse you is a self defense act that will eventually stop that person trying to abuse you. Which will stop the abuse and the chronic lose which will stop the emotional pain.

Also it is important to note that chronic emotional pain is what is being labeled as mental illness, if you lock at all the label psychiatry and psychology puts on people, this are all symptoms of the same disease. Regardless you are talking of addiction, depression, anxiety, OCD etc. there are all symptoms of felling chronic emotional pain. Certain illness manifest different in people for example not everybody gets really high fever when they get the flue.

Because emotional pain causes mental illness, when you are going to stop suppressing your emotions and sabotage yourself your mental illness the symptoms of your emotional pain are also going to stop.


I agree with your statement, but not all the way. As a principal I know that children can tease eachother in a way that anger from the teased person only makes things worse. Get them to talk to eachother, understanding how serious it is to tease is better than getting angry at the person who teases.

Sure, but bullyes attack only the vulnerable child, that either can't stand up for himself or dosen't have anybody to protect him. So they are just going to tolarate the abuse. This is how bullyes get away with this.

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