Your Luck for 14th June 2018 with Menē

in #mene6 years ago

Your Daily Horoscope with your Menē pure 24k Investment jewelry

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Element: Fire
Ruling planet: Mars
Symbol: Ram

Do your best to avoid a selfish person as this person can cause you stress. Investing related to your home will be beneficial. The day is not to be bossy expecting everyone to obey you.
Your beloved can be in a bad mood today and your harsh words can only put a strain in your relation so choose your words wisely to avoid straining your relation or cause a permanent damage.
Be carefiul at the work front to avoid becoming the victim of a fraud. You may be under the scrutiny of your spouse today this can put you under stress.

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Element: Earth
Ruling planet: Venus
Symbol: Bull

Do not be critial of others. Try to curb the tendency to believe that you live just for today. So you need to curtail your expenses and invest for the future.
There may be some issues faced on the family front however with the cooperation of other family members you would be able to solve the issue. You cannot win everyday and today is one such day. Do not lose hope as not succeeding is a part of life.Be aware of your surroundings as someone might try to take credit of your hard work.Be careful as someone might try to tarnish your reputation.
Low spirits of your spouse can dampen your plans today.

Would you like to own your own Menē 24K Charm or investment jewelry? Here is $5 in Menē 24k investment jewelry credit sign up to help you get started When you make a purchase you would get an additional $50 as per the current promotion.


Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Mercury

Avoid doing too much work because it will only give you stress and fatigue. Avoid wasteful expenditure. Your quest for knowledge would prove to be helpful in making new friends. There is a possibility of starting a new love relationship however avoid divulging personal and confidential information. For those engaged in creative work this is going to be a successful day. It leads the path to fame and recognition that you have been looking for a long time.
If you plan to travel then take care of the documents. An interesting day to spend some romantic time with your beloved.

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Element: Water
Ruling planet: Moon
Symbol: Crab

Day will prove to be beneficial and you would feel an improvement in a chronic condition. A day to curtail any wasteful expenses. A change in the job would give mental satisfaction. If you are in any dispute avoid using harsh words. This is a good day to spend some quality time with your spouse. Your spouse is feeling romantic and going out for a movie, dinner or both can make the day memorable.

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Element: Fire
Ruling planet: Sun
Symbol: Lion

Today the mantra to gain confidence is "Spend some time with close friends"
.A transactions related to the property would be completed and bring benefits. Your enormous energy and tremendous enthusiasm would bring positive results and would help you to overcome domestic stress. By forgiving and forgetting any disputes with your beloved you can improve your life. Business partners would cooperate and you can complete the tasks that are coming your way. Do not share personal & confidential information with others. With some efforts this day can become a very special day of your married life.

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Element: Earth
Ruling planet: Mercury
Symbol: Maiden

Avoid doing too much work as it would only give you stress and fatigue. Instead of just sitting work towards increasing your earnings. A better understanding with your spouse would bring happiness, relaxation and prosperity in your life. Your beloved may be upset however this is no reason for you to stop expressing your love towards your beloved.A good day for investments however you may have to face opposition from partners. A good day to explore new places and meet important people.Married life can be stressful due to different of opinion over a trivial matter.

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Element: Air
Ruling planet: Venus
Symbol: Scales

Sharing your happiness with others would be like tonic that works towards improving your health. Today is not a day to ignore your health as it can have consequences later on. Try to save on expenses and buy only the most important things. Parents and friends would try their best to keep you happy. Today you would find it difficult to express your emotions with your dear one. You would get benefits due to changes at work. Your ability to communication is a strong point today. Your spouse may do something which may damage your image.

Would you like to own your own Menē 24K Charm or investment jewelry? Here is $5 in Menē 24k investment jewelry credit sign up to help you get started When you make a purchase you would get an additional $50 as per the current promotion.


Element: Water
Ruling planet: Pluto, Mars
Symbol: Scorpion

Fear might overshadoe your wishes and aspitations today and you need wise counsil to face the situation.Your financial position would improve today.The day also shows a marked improvement in expenses. Good day to be part of work or a project which has young people associated with it.
You are in a romantic mood today and would plan to spend time with your beloved. If possible try to join a course to improved your knowledge and skills.
You might come across information and data at work which you find hard to interpret. You are likely to do a mistake as a result of this.
Those who are feeling stress in marriage would feel the situation easing a bit.

Would you like to own your own Menē 24K Charm or investment jewelry? Here is $5 in Menē 24k investment jewelry credit sign up to help you get started When you make a purchase you would get an additional $50 as per the current promotion.


Element: Fire
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Symbol: Archer

Listen to soothing music to counter the stress that you are feeling today. You may overspend on others today. Work stress may be overwhelming today as a result of which you may not be able to take out time for family and friends.
Personal matters would be under your control. New ideas can be beneficial. Journeys can be beneficial however they can be expensive. Your spouse is in a romantic mood today.

Would you like to own your own Menē 24K Charm or investment jewelry? Here is $5 in Menē 24k investment jewelry credit sign up to help you get started When you make a purchase you would get an additional $50 as per the current promotion.


Element: Earth
Ruling planet: Saturn
Symbol: Sea-Goat

Exercise and meditation are the best way to counter metal stress and get healthy for you today.
Focus on long term growth and invest accordingly. A meeting with an old friend can make the day memorable.
The time spent with your beloved is short but sweet.
If you are feeling lazy and lack enthusuasm then you can become the centre of a controversy at office.
Today you have the choice to brush off your problems or let them bog you down it is all in your hands.You can your spouse have a different point of view and this can lead to an argument today.

Would you like to own your own Menē 24K Charm or investment jewelry? Here is $5 in Menē 24k investment jewelry credit sign up to help you get started When you make a purchase you would get an additional $50 as per the current promotion.


Element: Air
Ruling planet: Uranus
Symbol: Water-Bearer

Those suffering from a high blood pressure need to be careful about health. You would be able to overcome financial difficulties with the help of friends.
A better understanding with your spouse is the key to happiness, peace and prosperity today.
Though the mood of your beloved may not be good so do not enter into an argument with them and think before you say anything.
You may have a strange feeling at work that things are going against you.
A journey can be enjoyable and beneficial.
This can be a difficult day for those who are married as an argument may happen.

Would you like to own your own Menē 24K Charm or investment jewelry? Here is $5 in Menē 24k investment jewelry credit sign up to help you get started When you make a purchase you would get an additional $50 as per the current promotion.


Element: Water
Ruling planet: Neptune
Symbol: Fish

You need to be a bit more senstive towards others to dispel hatred and negativity. As hatred is a very strong emotiin and harms your body and the mind. Remember that evil may appear to be more attractive then good however its effect is bad.
Try to do some research into the investment plants that seem to be so appealing to you. It is good to take an experts advice. Children would demand your time.
Forging your beloved is a good thing for your relationship today. Things can be a bit rough at work.
Be very careful while driving and do not over speed. You spouse may overlook your needs and this may result in an argument today.

Would you like to own your own Menē 24K Charm or investment jewelry? Here is $5 in Menē 24k investment jewelry credit sign up to help you get started When you make a purchase you would get an additional $50 as per the current promotion.

Here are a few benefits of owning a Menē 24K jewelry

-Menē is a brand that brings to you 24K pure investment Gold and Platinum jewelry.
-Menē jewelry is an investment that you can wear and carry with you.
-Menē sells jewelry by gram weight
-You can track the value of your investment right from your Menē account. have an excellent collection of jewelry and collectibles crafted in pure 24k Platinum.
Do pay a visit to @goldmatters for his posts have tons of info about Menē and Goldmoney. That is all the info you would need about GOLD, Platinum, Investments in precious metals and holdings.
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This post has received a 4.41 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @thetimetravelerz.

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