10 Things That a Men should Do everyday ( according to science )

in #men6 years ago

We all know the basics – exercise, eat vegetables, never look at booze or bacon, etc – but what else should we be doing every day for a better, healthier, happier life?

To paraphrase the slogan of a popular sugary treat, only science has the answer ...

  1. Play computer games
    Ever wanted a bigger brain? According to research conducted by US neurologist Dr Richard Haier, playing new video games could be the answer, after a study he conducted in the 1990s recorded a thickening of the cerebral cortex in first-time players of Tetris.

Essentially, new tasks and sensory input activates neural circuits and improves overall brain health.

The perfect reason to play new games while you’re pretending to do some work at your desk.


  1. Pelvic floor exercises

These aren’t just for women, you know. In fact, they could save your life – well, sex life at least.

Bristol scientists tested men suffering from erectile dysfunction, putting them to work with the exercises, which train the muscles around your penis much as a bicep curl trains your upper arm. Within three-six months, 40 per cent had regained erectile function.

  1. Shake hands
    They say you can tell a lot from a handshake – and it turns out they're right. It's a scientific fact.

A 2012 study led by the University if Illinois discovered that social interactions preceded by a handshake were deemed as much more positive experiences. They activate the nucleus accumbens part of the brain, which plays a role in pleasurable emotions and excitement.

There's good reason, then, why Tottenham Hotspur's players are required to shake each other's hands at the start of every day. Use this simple technique in your workplace and you too might see a sudden upturn in your performance

  1. Wear something red
    Not just because it goes with your hair, but because its scientifically proven to make you more attractive to women, according to 2010 study by scientists from Britain, Germany, China and the US.

The colour has long been a status symbol in human society, but it is also a marker of status, increased testosterone, and male dominance in many animal species too. Simply put, it’s only natural to look good in red (and always worth remembering when choosing a tie).

  1. Trim your beard (but never shave)
    It’s not only red that makes you scientifically more attractive to women, but facial hair too. Research conducted at the University of New South Wales found that beards were a natural indicator for judging men’s social and sexual attributes – women rated men with heavy stubble as the most attractive, while full beards denoted good parenting skill and general good health.
  1. Take lots of breaks

It’s not skiving, it’s science – and, somewhat ironically, it increases productivity.

Dr. Alejandro Lleras from the University of Illinois studied two groups performing a task over an hour and found that the group that took short breaks performed better.

The study argues that just as constant sensory stimulation eventually stops registering – for instance, how you stop becoming aware of something like background TV noise – the brain’s capacity for thought and vigilance is the same. So, spend too long doing one thing and you’ll lose concentration.

That’s not an excuse to check Facebook every minutes though – get out of your chair and go for a walk.

  1. Do your chores
    One for those who want to be great dads – specifically dads who want their daughters to do well. A 2014 study found that when it came to encouraging daughters to pursue successful and non-traditional careers, mucking in and helping the wife with housework was a much stronger influence than simply paying lip service to gender equality.

Taking it in turns to cook/wash-up is not only good practice for marital peacekeeping, but the psychological wellbeing of your kids too.


  1. Eat protein for breakfast
    Eggs. Yoghurt. Milk. Even pitaschio nuts if that’s how you like your protein in the morning. Whatever you chose, it could be the secret to staying trim and fat-free.

Donald Layman, professor emeritus of nutrition at the University of Illinois, recommends 30g of protein for breakfast. After a full night’s sleep, the body’s in a catabolic state, so protein begins resupplying nutrients. It also regulates blood sugar and appetite, staving off those mid-morning cravings that have us picking at crisps and other fattening (albeit delicious) carbs.

  1. Take a cold shower
    Let’s be honest – no one really likes cold showers (not even on holiday, even if most budget hotels seem to think otherwise). However, a 2008 study found that daily cold showers prevented symptoms of depression.

Exposure to the cold activates the sympathetic nervous system, increases endorphin levels, and releases noradrenaline – plus it sends a huge number of electrical impulses from the nerve endings to the brain. Make it part of your morning routine for a cheery (though admittedly freezing) start to the day.

  1. Orgasm
    OK, so no mortal man has the energy for actual sex every day (am I right?), but frequent ejaculation could be the answer to good health.

Last year, the American Urological Association shared results of an 18-year study, which found that men who ejaculated 21 times or more per month experienced a 20 per cent reduced risk of developing prostate cancer.


thanks for the tips

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