Strong words for men. Are you wasting your lifesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #men7 years ago

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I want to ask you a question , "are you living the life you want to live?" Everybody has their dream life . We all have that picture in our mind of that life we want to live.
My question to you is simple. Are you currently living that life? Most people would say "no" . Well why? . The answers are somewhere close to
It seems imposible , its too hard , its not feasible , i dont have necessary resources and the most common answer is i dont know. Very simply put i dont know why i am living the life i want.
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Now let me ask you another question.
Have you actually tried to achieve the life you want? Most people would say yes i do it every day . Thats what my job is for or my education. These are the the little steps i take every single day to reach my goal.

Then let me ask you the same question little differently.
Have you tried your hardest in achieving that life? Have you tried your best?
And most people fall silent. They cant answer it. They dont wanna say no because they dont wanna appear weak or sound like a looser . They dont wanna say yes because deep inside they know its a lie . They havent tried their best.
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Now let me ask you my final question.
Have you tried achieving your desired life as hard as you have tried getting girls?
If you think about it the answer is no. Your dedication to get girls is phenomenal. You are messaging 10 different on facebook , twitter, whatsapp every single day. You dont give a crap about who they are ,if they are in relationship , if they even want to talk to you. You are investing all your times days and night chatting with that person with a profile picture if emma watson. You are getting rejected by girls that you dont even know . If 9 out of 10 dont rejected you , didnt accelt your friend request you have already failed 90% of your task. But that doesnt discourage you . You keep on trying . Look at the amount of will inside of you.
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Now imagine for a second , if you save all that time And put all that hope and will to work for yourself. Not a hot girls, not a love of your life just your self. Just imagine what you will accomplish.
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I personally know guys who spends hours texting random girls. Guys who have been obsessed with some girls for year. Guys who have literally become drivers for girls so that they could spend some time with them .guys giving all their time to them hardly thinking about their careers. What what are you getting in return nothing.
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Is that really what your life is all about . The grand gift of life with innumerable possibilities and opportunities. Is that what you narrowed it down to ? Chatting some random girls . Oh! I chat with her because she is my friend not because i wanna have sex with her? Really.
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Guys , brother you need to stop this. You need to stop this right now. No more execuses . No more bullshits. You have to stop throwing away your entire youth. Your might ask why? Why should i do this? As if changing your entire life isnt enough. But i will still give you 4 reasons why?

Reason 1
Self esteem
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Do it for your self esteem. If you send some random girls and she just friendzone you . Will you ever know the reasons. You will never know. But one thing that is definitely going to happen is all these rejection will have a serious impact on your self esteem. An impact that you most certainly dont need and dont deserve at all. So protect your self esteem. dont hand it to some completely under qualified person who would crush it.

Reason 2
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What is greater feeling than love? Its the feeling of achievement. Unlike love the feeling of achievement is much more better and permanent. It will last till the day you die. On your deathbed you may regret about love but will most definitely regret not doing what you wanted to do in your life when you had the chance.

Reason 3
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Because money givea you a better lifestyle.
It give you better options and gives you freedom to do whatever you want. Forget your penis for year or even longer until you become successful and you will get the pretiest girlss in tbe world if you still want that. Why because girls get attracted to successful guys . Its not a mystery.

Reason 4
And this is the most important reason .dobit fo you and your parents.
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If you put all that energy building yourself and change your entire life. Then you can also change the life of people around you. Let me ask you something when was the last time you spent any money on your mother or take her out to dinner or lunch or just recharge her phone.
I want you to calculate all the money you think you might have spent on the girls and compare it to how much you have spent on your parents. Even if your parents are financially able. With enough money you can change the life of people around you . Your parents , brother , sister and specially someone who needs money.
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And these are 4 really important reasons why you need to sit back for a moment , take some time out and really calculate how much time and energy you have wasted on a meaningless pursuits. Work untill your bank account looks like a phone number. Acknowledge that you have a dream and there is nobody in life that is going to help you get these. You are on your own.

Thank you and share this with all your friends. We dont want any men left behind.

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By @dojoexle


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