Celebrating The Sacred Masculine # 1

in #men6 years ago

In this series, we explore what it is to be, or become, an authentic male, divorced from the pseudo macho traits of inauthenticity and ego.
The sacred masculine is familiar with and embodies his values, those which are important to him.
Connection is one of his core values, along with integrity, certainty, variety, meaning, love, personal and collective consciousness and being of service.
He is reliable and trustworthy, caring and considerate.
Photo Credit: pexels.com
AAA Cause-No-Harm.jpg


I can see that on this topic we are going to butt heads, my friend. And "butting heads" is much closer to a correct understanding of the sacred masculine than "staying in touch".

Women stay in touch. Men do not. The picture that you've chosen to start this conversation makes me want to throw up.

When men do communicate with one another, they do so merely as allies on the battlefield. They are merely objects to be manipulated as each male applies his force to impose order on his world.

Men create order. Women create community and sacred connection. Your picture would show Truth if a woman was holding the cell phone. But as it is, it is false teaching, merely the promotion of the false propaganda that we are all awash in and that is designed to castrate all of us men.

The sacred masculine does not want to "stay in touch". His constant thought is to win, to dominate, to prevail against his enemies. He sees life as a battle, and every part of his being is focused on prevailing in the service of that for which he fights!

You wrote - His constant thought is to win, to dominate, to prevail against his enemies. He sees life as a battle, and every part of his being is focused on prevailing in the service of that for which he fights!"
It is becoming clear to me that we may be living on different planets, because I for one and my circle of friends, do not think of winning, which is the old paradigm school of competition, instead I/we embrace cooperation.
Mine and other's observable lives are not a battle, it is the willingness to experience all that life has to offer, without victimhood, aggression or battle.
I do understand you live in a violent country, that has waged war on others to dominate and steal their resources, export your tainted form of "Democracy", rampant "Corporatocracy", allowed Hollywood to spread its hate and superiority and have a media controlled by the Plutocracy, but other countries do not necessarily support this form of colonialism.
The "Americanisation" of the world has destroyed (by their own assimilation), many fine and advanced cultures, indigenous traditions and peaceful co-existence and it has been lead by unconscious males at the helm, with their handlers pulling the strings.
A question for you, which hopefully solicits an honest answer - how many countries have you lived and worked in?
So we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
Isn't free speech a wonderful thing!

We aren't living on different planets. You are a cog in the Machine. I am a saboteur of the Machine.

I have never been to Mali. But I can say with confidence that the social order that you enjoy, and which permits you to focus on cooperation in your personal life, ultimately exists because other men have fought and died to impose that order and to preserve it. You have laws, police, courts, prisons, and an army. You have Big Money in Mali, probably mostly invested in the coastal resorts. You have peace because Big Money finds peace and order to be more convenient than war and chaos.

First there is chaos. Then comes the violence of men seizing territory and domination. Then comes order, imposed by threat of violence. Only within that order can the cooperation that you experience exist. Take away the force of law, and within hours you and your neighbors would begin to think ernestly about what to do to protect your wives and children and to retain possession of your lands.

And you didn't answer the one simple question I posed.
I live in Bali not Mali, check it out on the world map.
So you want to actively sabotage me?
Someone who engages you in conversation, opens up to you with authenticity and honesty?
So I am merely a cog in the Machine you are intent on destroying?
Are you really so much better than me?
So much for freedom of expression and speech

Oops. My aging brain strikes again. When I first used Google Maps, I got it right and saw where you are. Then, struggling to retain the memory, Bali became Mali somehow. I've told several people about the man that I've met who lives in Mali.

Wasn't being evasive. Just trying to be concise. I've lived a wandering "locationless" lifestyle since about 2000, wandering pretty much everywhere within the continental U.S. No significant living experience elsewhere.

No, I don't want to sabotage you! I intend to, and am, sabotaging the Machine (the Plutocracy). Without intending to, your teachings take men away from understanding themselves. You castrate and disempower them with your teachings.

I did answer the important question that you posed, which was whether our two slices of the Pie of Truth can be reconciled, are indeed from the same Pie. I think that they can be. We are on the same planet, but each of us is at the bottom of a different canyon. So what you can see, I cannot, and vice versa.

P.S. I was told yesterday that we only get 10 votes per day and so you want to curate wisely with those 10 votes.

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