Ten Years Ago: A trip to Birmingham

in #memories6 years ago

antonio applauds

Turns out, as I'm preparing to do a blogging event in Birmingham next week, it's ten years since I first went to a blogger's meetup in the city.

Pics are here

Mostly what I remember is us all trying to work out what we had in common and still back then what blogging might be. Looking at the people who were there, it really was a diverse group of interests, people using blogging for just about everything including making each other laugh and finding ways to intervene in the civic life of a city of a million people. I had just started the London Social Media Cafe and was doing lots of events like this. Soon after, I think, Pete Ashton and Joanna Geary came down to London to experience what we were doing and confirmed for themselves that the Birmingham Social Media Cafe should be a thing (which it kinda still is, I think).

The following day (in fact this is probably how I happened to be there) I was running a Social Media workshop for the Knowledge Team at my previous employer, the Audit Commission. I think they were basically very unsure what on earth I was going on about most of the time, but that wasn't much of a change from how it had been when I'd worked there ten years before...

Life goes on!


I Like This Post.

I like Birmingham. Hard to believe blogging has been around for that long and is still going strong. Cool!

wow... and now a days you are a pro level blogger.
Ten years...

Amazing memories shared.

Nice post friend, thanks for sharing

Glad to read.
Now Time turns. And here is me. And surely many others who are fans of your Blogs. Learning from you. That How to make out Blog so interesting. Learnt much from You. And keep learning From Your Blogs. And know that you will keep teaching us.

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